Are you trying to state that his saying that meant that he wanted us to lose? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
Posters on the BBS seem to have it in for me because I am not over the top in my praise of the team. Equally, posters have had it in for me in the past during poor runs because I have not been over-critical of either the team or the manager. That analysis should tell you something about the way that I write Minority Report. I do not board any band wagons because I do not read the BBS at all during, or immediately after a game. I make my own mind up about what I have seen, and I write about the game under no other influence. There is a second point that I would like to make. I am as biased as the next bloke about my team, but I am conscious of that bias and I make great attempts to take that bias out of Minority Report, because bias destroys objectivity, and you can only analyse correctly what is happening if you have objectivity. For Minority Report, objectivity is the most important thing. I will not claim that I enjoy the reception that I get after games. I do not. However, I do not intend to alter my objective view, nor my style of writing Minority Report. The only alternative that I have left is to once more stop publishing my thoughts. This is a question for everyone. Do you want me to stop. If I have enough averse reactions to this question, I am quite willing to do so.
What Barnsley fan describes a goal we score as being because a defender was tired? I personally find the reports long and self indulgent with a very strong tone of defending his own opinions. There's probably more happiness to be found in enjoying the wins than trying to prove a point, in my humble opinion.
No, I like your stuff and find it interesting. I just think it’s a bit too negative. I rarely see you post anything positive about the team. I think that you’re so keen to appear objective, you actually go the other way. Case in point, your description of their last goal.
For some irrationally perverse reason you refuse to watch away games. So therefore your analysis is always half cooked and cocked. Because you're not seeing the whole picture. You don't watch every other episode of Broadchurch or whatever on TV and be able to fully and accurately pontificate on a developing plot.
Please look at it again. Their last defender is 3 yards behind the defensive line that the rest of the team creates. He has enough time to join their line, but he does not because he is not concentrating for some reason. If he is in line, then Dike is offside. That is all that I am pointing out, and I am accuse of treason because I have done so.
No it isn't. Every episode is a different story. I simply comment upon the story in the episodes that I see.
No. I don't respond to his posts any more because he refuses to reply to anything which he doesn't like, so the whole thing is pointless. We can have a nice conversation around what he says, but I wont judge anybody for not engaging directly.
treason?! I’ll look again. Stop being so sensitive mate. Keep posting, your stuff is great. You reds. Ps : my point remains - it didn’t look like Vic would be first to the ball, but he was. There’s loads of positives to take from that goal, and the performance.
Well there might be some truth in his "tired defender" proposition - that's why we swop our front line - for them to be fresher than the defenders. I couldn't say myself whether it was true, but to say it does not mean he wanted us to lose. I hope we're all delirious at how effective we are, even if we are being a bit mechanical in the process.
We were fitter than them and used our substitutes very well which helped create the lack of concentration in the Stoke defence for our lucky second goal
There is a developing script that passes a simple approach of commenting upon one game at a time. You do not start with a blank canvass each game - you more than anyone import the previous techniques used, before you even start.
Don't you think that's because he's absolutely cream crackered? Because we put three forwards on him who ran their blood to water, then three more who did the same. Do you think that in every game, despite us doing more of the running, we actually look sharper in the last 10 minutes is a coincidence? Or is it possible it's part of the tactics? What we did for 85 minutes resulted in the opportunity for Bike. It happens over and over again. For someone who claims they love tactics, I don't understand why you don't appreciate that. We exert relentless pressure and eventually the opposition buckle. The only team that has managed not to in the last few weeks is Chelsea and that took an amazing headed clearance off the line by a brilliant player and a great young kid to stop it. Do you really not see that?
They'd either get on like a house on fire or need shielding from one another at the end of the evening. And it would probably yo-yo from one to the other night by night - a landlord's nightmare.
I really did write a long pre-amble about the match in which I promised to level behind criticism of the system, the press and the long ball. My problem is this. If you leave behind all of those things, and resolve not to write about any of them, you have nothing to write about at all. Look, in his post-match press conference with Radio Sheffield, VI said virtually the same things as I have reported. They are such a big part of Ismael's organisation and way of playing that if I cannot refer to any of them, Minority Report is finished, because it has nothing to say.
Of course I see all that. The opening post said as much. I have written about our tactics over and over again in past reports, and I do not think there is anything that you have written that I have not written in the past. I agree with every word.