The bottom line is that RR is pi55ed off that this coach, this formation and this system are delivering results. Thats why he’s flounced off and no degree of pseudo intellectual posturing can hide that.
RR had already decided that 3-4-3 system wouldn't provide the necessary "entertainment" value that he was looking for. When it started delivering results he was so intent on knocking the system that he failed to give credit to the players, and more importantly VI for getting those results. He was conflicted and rather than admit he was wrong and that the system does work, he tried (and failed) to convince himself that he was right.
I’d probably watch the Norwich and Chelsea cup games, and the win at Brentford as a neutral. As for the others, we’re not going to pass teams off the park, we’re not good enough at passing for that, so we have to find a way to win. Love this style of play after seeing us get bullied by these teams last year. The consistency, and the ratio of tight games we win is astonishing.