Oh we agree entirely about the ‘snowflakes’ Sadly though, I believe education and entitlement rather than age is the key to the angry white folk. Most of the ‘offended’ are 30-80, but most people I know in that age bracket are vocally very liberal, it’s not a class thing either, but sadly there’s a valid reason the typical EDL meme contains spelling mistakes. However; I’ve also come to realise that shouting down people, calling them thick racists, stupid for being working class Tory etc is about the most unhelpful approach imaginable. But I’ll have to get back to you on the correct approach
.Just to be clear I wasn't looking to debate anything, you came in with a glowing generalisation of a generation that was was just not true ,I pointed out for many it was nothing like that, thats all.
At least the people spreading misinformation and those foaming at the mouth ready to be outraged have all apologised when it’s been pointed out they were wrong. Oh hang on.
I just don't understand why people get so mad about this kind of thing. How does the name change negatively affect you or anyone you know? Just roll your eyes and move on. Bigger things to worry about in life.
Fantastic piece of advertising - throw out something that will enrage certain areas of the population ( works on both sides of the political spectrum)- leave it a few hours to trend in social media then go only joking! Hasn't cost them a penny!
It's not that they're "Only Joking" - the gammons just misinterpreted what happened, fuelled by "The MSM" that they all say they don't like also misinterpreting it and as a result putting out misleading stories designed to incite the aforementioned gammons. The brand "Mr Potato Head" made the products "Mr Potato Head" and "Mrs Potato Head" (along with other things I'm sure). All that's changed is the brand. So now the brand "Potato Head" makes the products "Mr Potato Head" and "Mrs Potato Head". That makes a lot more sense really.
Not really the point of this thread I guess but one thing that does bug me a bit is teenagers and lower deciding to identify as something and everyone having to just accept it. My take is two fold, firstly if you want to dress and act as the opposite gender then go for it nobody is stopping you. If you want to be recognised AS that gender (or as non binary) then you should have to undergo some kind of psychiatric evaluation over a prolonged period and only after that can you legally change your gender and be treated as that gender. Treated as that gender as in being allowed to use those toilets changing rooms etc. And secondly if you are legally by mature enough or mentally developed enough to HAVE sex then you're certainly not mentally mature enough to CHANGE your sex. The amount of school kids identifying as the opposite gender or they/them is ridiculous. Via family I know one primary school child who has changed from male to female and back again about 4 times already and everyone else has had to accommodate him every time, he's been allowed in the female toilets when he's wanted to and the male when he wants to too. Coincidentally his parents are a lesbian couple and I can't help but wonder is this kid actually missgendered or is he simply being mentally influenced by his parents? Children aren't mature enough to make these decisions but as adults crack on identifying however you wish and people in general should treat you with respect and respect your wishes however in order to be granted the rights to access services and benefits of that gender you need a b evaluation by a trained professional. I'm not actually sure if that's already the case tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if it was or wasn't. Oh and the media who deliberately word their articles to stir up bigotry and hatred should lose their right to be considered newspapers or news stations and lose the freedom and privileges that come with that.
The saddest thing for me.....nobody has asked Mr or Mrs potato head what their views are. It's a disgrace and totally underrepresents the views of the toys themselves.
I get what you're saying and I do think that self ID has the potential to set a dangerous precedent. Eg. you or me could walk into a Woman's changing room and when stopped just say we're trans. Obviously that shouldn't be allowed to happen and in reality it wouldn't happen any more than it already does. On the other side of things, I know a trans woman who has been waiting to go to a gender clinic for over 2 years now. That's just to get the initial diagnosis of gender dysphoria. It's insanity. Suicide rates in trans people are at levels that you wouldn't even believe, especially in kids. I think kids often don't understand what they're going through, but I don't see the problem in accepting them for who they want to be and if that changes I don't think there's a problem there either. I agree that they're not mature enough probably to make that decision and to realise who they are, but I do think that puberty blockers are a good idea for trans kids. They're relatively harmless in the long run but can stop them going through a puberty that they later want to reverse. If they decide not to, they can continue their biological puberty afterwards.