I think the prices for next season - early bird offer etc. are tremendous but....... last week I was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease (and as well as loss of mobility and the shakes another of the side effects is I've gone almost deaf). My late dad always told me I was seven when he took me to Oakwell for the first time (I'm 68 now) but honestly I have no memory of this. My first memories were going along with RedCB and another mate during the 1964 / 65 season and whilst I wouldn't claim to have been an ever present fan since I have been a regular supporter and held a season ticket for the last 25 years and been fortunate to have followed my beloved Reds to well over a hundred different grounds. What a journey its been. I'll never forget days out to Oakwell South, to Cardiff, to Anfield, to Old Trafford. to Bielefeld, to,, well the list goes on and yes it also included Altrincham and sunny Grimsby. My sincere apologies if I've put a downer on anyones evening, it was never my intention, just a bit of a release valve as the reality kicks in. COYR
Sorry to hear this news. Hopefully you will be able to get to some games over the next season, or watch the games on iFollow. Don’t let the Parkinson’s defeat you, keep fighting.
Yes indeed. Especially if you’re up to going down for the first one. I’ve a feeling it’s going to be very special
Best wishes mate , hope the reds can entertain you for many more years to come whether getting occasionally down to the well or TV/Radio
Sorry to hear that but hopefully you'll still manage to get down to Oakwell to see a few games a season. Investigate dancing and specifically Argentine Tango as it has shown to improve balance and mobility in people with Parkinson's. Introduction link Best of luck.
Sad news mate. Don’t modern drugs help a lot in suppressing the tremors? Get your season ticket and get along and shout your heart out. You will only be pissed off in the house.
Sorry to hear your bad news. Special memories of going with your Dad and mates for all those years I'm sure. Hope you can get to Oakwell again somehow .
If you dont renew and want to get to a few games if i still have he vouchers left for the 4 games from last season i am.happy to allow you to have them to go