If his two at the head of the Triumph Hurdle market dropped out it would do my bet on Tritonic no harm! On the other hand, I have one of his in the Supreme.
Makes you think how did it die Helen. He's sat on it likes he's ran it into ground and it's a trophy kill. (Just my opinion) .
The horse apparently had heart condition that resulted in its death on the gallops. Elliott has said that is main priority was to move the horse from the stop where it had collapsed
All of this in a sport where we are told that the love of horses and animal welfare is paramount. Well done Mr Elliott. What a lovely man you appear to be.
If you read his biography he wasn't born into the game. Not that it makes a difference but it's a career choice for him and he's driven by number of winners rather than prestige. I think that says a lot about a person when it comes to welfare. It isn't good working for people driven by numbers alone. They can be lacking in empathy and slave drivers.
He said that the horse had suffered a heart attack and he was trying to aid it's removal. He then took a phone call and sat down without thinking. Why on earth he'd be then smiling for the camera and waving is beyond me. If that was the case then you'd cover your face in a photo (like the wife does when she pretends she doesn't want it taken), get your colleague to delete said photo immediately, and then discipline said colleague for being idiotic to take a photo. Another video has emerged online too, with one of his apprentices 'riding' another dead horse - it seems that this is the opening of Pandora's Box.
He needs banning and his horses shared out between Willie Mullins, Nicky Henderson and Paul Nicholl's and his yard members need to be looked after too.
No evidence of that Helen, but the picture suggests a lack of respect for the animal which is offensive to racing folk and animal-lovers generally. And it does make people question the level of care given to the horses.
I have always loved horse racing and greyhound racing, but the real truth behind how its all run now puts me off, how they break horses in being one, a horse is just a commodity to lots of trainers, as proven by this picture
Rob James, an amateur jockey who has ridden for Elliott in the past is the jockey jumping on the dead horse and pretending to ride it. Sounds drunk to me but no excuse whatsoever. Cretinous behaviour from all involved and not what the sport wants. Would be interesting to know who posted the pictures and even more so why at this time when these incidents both happened sometime ago. Don't think it's coincidence that Cheltenham is just round the corner
Lester Piggott lived on smoking cigars and eating lettuce for years , no wonder he didn't want to pay tax,