Who ever pitched the tent wasn’t a Scout ,Middlesbrough bloke - “where shall we pitch the tent , this looks a good spot , on the area of the cliff that’s already slipped a bit “ Donny girlfriend “ I thought you said you had a caravan “
Not really debatable tho' is it. They've done summat daft. If that was the factor that determined if people were allowed to have kids then the human race would die out in one generation's time. We've all made errors of judgement. I'm probably making one now responding to this thread.
If someone was driving at 150mph down a country road with a child in the back of the car, would you say that they should probably not be allowed to have kids? How about jump out of a plane holding a child? Just curious how much people should be allowed to endanger their kids in your eyes before it's even questioned that they're fit parents.
What ideal world is a child taken away from parents for an ill judged camping trip? Yes they were silly camping there. Yes there was danger, but they didn’t really put anyone’s life at risk. The main point is meeting up when they shouldn’t. We all want to, but don’t.
Didn't put anyone's life at risk? They spent the night at the edge of a cliff that is known to erode. I'm no geologist but even I know that the area they camped on is the next to fall. Spending the night there with their kid is child endangerment pure and simple.
Have you even gone out and done things that at the time seemed like a good idea but in hindsight were stupid? He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her
For me it's nothing to do with meeting up when they shouldn't, and everything to do with sleeping with their kids 3 feet from a crumbling 280 foot cliff in the pitch dark. Now that really is lunacy
In my case it was that they were stupid enough to camp that near the edge of a known dangerous cliff with not even any fencing, imagine possibly having to get up in the night possibly disorientated over they go and some poor sod has to go sort it out, risking life changing injuries as happened in the Lakes.
You can even see that that section of cliff has already slipped 18 inch or so. Stupid in the extreme, and very lucky.
It is a stupid thing to do but I'd stop at getting social services to cart their children away. Not everyone is probably aware of erosion and how cliffs can literally collapse in an instant.
Has it fallen yet? Let me know how many of our services scaled the cliff for the rescue.... no they just had to shout down a small step. Yes it could have fallen, yes the cliffs fall, but to take a kid away from its family?
I agree but I'm semi serious in my response. Look at it this way....if that couple wanted to foster or adopt you'd have to ask serious questions about whether they were capable of safeguarding a child.
I'm not saying that they should have the kids taken away but even if that cliff were somehow completely erosion proof it's still a ridiculously daft place to camp
What if the kid woke up in the dark while they were still asleep and went outside the tent? Kids do silly things as well as their numpty parents.
I remember going camping with my family (daughter 12, lads 6 and 7) back in the late 1990s near Sheringham (Norfolk) on a proper camp site. We were pitched up about 50 yards from a cliff edge, nowhere near as high as the ones on the Cleveland way and not as sheer. I literally couldn't sleep for fear that one of them would wander off in the night. What these people did just fills me with dread.