Whilst I appreciate the logic process behind it, I really struggle with it as an argument. How do you know that Covid doesn't affect your fertility in the future? There's no long term studies into the effect on fertility if you catch the virus. How do you know that catching Covid isn't going to leave you with new allergies or hyper sensitise existing ones? If it can rob people of their sense of smell or taste long term it can clearly do some pretty strange stuff. Conversely, scientists can say, that their genetically engineered vaccine has no markers that would likely cause any of these problems. The "long term effects aren't known" argument doesn't make sense to me as I would far sooner take my chance with something carefully manufactured by the greatest minds in their field than a randomly mutating virus whose only goal is its own survival at any cost.
To be clear I’m not in any way suggesting that people should be refused treatment, but whether refusers would, in good conscience accept treatment knowing that others are losing out on NHS treatment and in some cases losing their lives whilst all this goes on?
You’re inventing situations to suit your argument again. Nobody is losing out on treatment for the reasons you state.
I've heard of a few people refuse the vaccine for this reason, despite the fact that there's no credible source that suggests the vaccine would stop you from having children.
We are talking about a global pandemic and the best way to get out of this is the vaccine, so not having the vaccine for reasons other than medical I either don't understand or agree with. To lose hospital beds for the refusal to have a vaccine I don't agree with. As for your reply I don't understand why you responded in that way. Deetee who's view is completely opposite to mine has been totally respectful throughout.
Yes they are. People lose out on treatment because of how overstretched out NHS is due to half a million smoking admissions every year. It's the single biggest drain on the NHS
I entirely agree with your second bit. However, compulsion and refusal to treat is not the way to get everyone to have the jab. Education and (for some things, like foreign travel) the vaccine passport idea might help. Many people do exactly what you say to claim on insurance, sometimes deliberately setting fire to cars etc. All this does is drive up the cost of insurance for everyone.
Everyone must do and think the way I do aye! Are you a National Socialist ? By there fruit you shall know them..
If you say so. I don’t condone smoking in any shape or form, nor am I defending them but it is interesting to note that they contribute £9b in taxes to the treasury per annum. If ever a group of patients paid their way into the NHS it is them
Plus of they die earlier it costs less in state pension and care costs But that's not how it works, it's according to need and that's how it should be.
You're then getting into the realms of having to refuse treatment to drinkers, smokers, the obese etc as well.
I don't think the state should ever be able to compel (as opposed to encourage) people to take up a vaccine. I wouldn't trust any State with that much power - let alone 'Perfidious Albion'. However, call them Vaccine passports or whatever you like - but they are coming - and if you haven't been vaccinated be prepared for a pretty solitary lifestyle because you won't be going to many places or into many events or out of the Country.
According to the copy pasted article it is 9% overall and that includes people who don’t work with the elderly directly (e.g. those in labs). Whilst it is 25% in a specific area that figure can’t be cherry picked out and used otherwise I’m sure there’s a hospital where every single person has had it and we can have headlines about how the uptake is 100%.
Give over. Of course he gave an opinion. Phrasing something as a question doesn't mean it isn't an opinion. Is Dominic Cummings an absolute w@nker for breaking lockdown last year, for lying about it and for according to him driving whilst having difficulty seeing? Now technically that's a question, in reality it's an opinion
Archery, I think though you can't have the vaccine if you are pregnant or just have given birth. Also not approved for kids. I read that one of the factors in the UK's rapid rollout is that the vaccine manufacturers won't be liable for problems down the line. I don't know if UK government will be culpable though or on your head be it i.e. you take the risk yersen.