Just on the final couple of chapters. It's (genuinley) the first book I've read since I left school in 1989. I couldn't put it down...... Detailing the horrific abuse he (and others) suffered at the hands of football coach Barry Bennell. The book was published in 2019 so may have been mentioned on here before. Any avid readers need to get this read. Even like me as a 'non reader' you can't help but to be disgusted, angered, sypathetic, shocked etc at the content of a terrible time for some within our beautiful game. Outstanding read..........
I read it a few weeks back and it stirred the same feelings in me too. How could something as terrible as this be allowed to happen over and over again? Absolutely full of admiration for Andy Woodward to have the guts to speak out and then write the book which must have been a painful experience, having to relive it all again. Barry Bennell is one sick individual and I hope he rots in hell.
Absolutely. The manipulation by Bennell was frightening. I read up a bit about the case when it originally went to trial in the US. But I never undestood the whole backstory. A story that will unfortunately touch anyone's heart that reads it.