I didn't reply to a post from you mentioning abuse, I replied to one where you said he hadn't offered an opinion. It's my opinion that his post was his opinion and that is reinforced by his replies
If it can rob people of their sense of smell or taste long term it can clearly do some pretty strange stuff. It shares the same symptoms as other Coronavirus and Rhinovirus. So a loss of taste and smell is hardly a new phenomenon. How do you know that Covid doesn't affect your fertility in the future? There's no long term studies into the effect on fertility if you catch the virus. Current studies are inconclusive depending which way the wind blows. However long term like most viruses in the same family there will be minimal effect on fertility. Be similar risks youd have from smoking, drinking, poor diet etc . I reckon my swimmers if I caught Covid would be safe. How do you know that catching Covid isn't going to leave you with new allergies or hyper sensitise existing ones? I dont. But I could say the same about a new aftershave a bee sting, pollen even medication amongst others. Allergies are caused by the body identifying a substance as harmful even when it might not be causing a reaction. Conversely, scientists can say, that their genetically engineered vaccine has no markers that would likely cause any of these problems. All the vaccines are on emergency licences to be used. Part of the original documents presented by the government confirmed that there was no information regarding how taking the vaccine affected fertility. Pfizer have only just started human trials on pregnant subjects. None of the vaccines have any long term testing on humans so they scientists cannot surmise anything about long term problems. The "long term effects aren't known" argument doesn't make sense to me as I would far sooner take my chance with something carefully manufactured by the greatest minds in their field It is a genetically engineered vaccine. the first of its kind to get licenced for use. There's 60 pages of documented short term side effects for the two most commonly used vaccines after administration They include nausea, massive temperature fluctuations, cardiac issues, Blindness both temp and permanent. And death. Again there isnt anything known on long term effects. Its a vaccine that less than 12 months old. And remember this isnt the first vaccine that has been pushed through into circulation. There was a vaccine for swine flu. Pandermix which has caused no end of long term problems that didnt show up til later. In NHS staff predominately who were shall we say encouraged to take it. I am in my thirties. I am reasonably physically fit and healthy. Its a vaccine that I and many others dont really need once the old infirm and vulnerable have been offered theirs. Remember, the average age of a covid related mortality in mid 80s, the average age of hospitalisations is early 60s. Its been released today that 2.2m out of the 2.5m Covid related deaths are linked to countries with high levels of obesity. The highest death rates per 100k in the world are the fattest. I am being ushered into a corner to take a relatively new medical technology with limited testing and limited knowledge into the long term effects to save the lives of people who cant even look after the body theyve got now? If you want to get your vaccine and not ask any questions or not worry about the side effects. Thats entirely your choice. I wont stop you. However I am very sceptical of the mass coercion effort thats going on to get everyone vaccinated, its almost as if it is being driven by the astronomical amounts of money the government has spent on them. I am very sceptical about being almost forced to take a medical intervention that would appear on face value doesnt give you immunity, doesnt prevent transmission only stops you from being seriously ill. If I am being left with little choice but to get the vaccine I want to make sure that 1. I am having the right vaccine for me and 2. there is more detailed information on the length of "immunity" what the vaccine actually does and what longer term issues should I be aware of from taking it.
Would there be a time that you would be happy to take the vaccine? Is this an arbitrary point? Say after 5 years? Or 10 years? Or would you never have it?