Tomorrow me and the missus celebrate an anniversary, and typically, we'd be away somewhere to celebrate (though I must admit, I'm not especially in a celebratory mood). But seeing as we can't, we've decided to have a veritable food festival over the weekend and help a few restaurants in the process and to start it, we're having bacon sandwiches from Dishoom. They've just arrived to make tomorrow. You get bacon, three pots which include naan bread dough, a chilli bacon jam and then a few smaller pots which look a bit pickle tray-esque. I must say, I'm really not sure about this, but it's got bacon in... so it can't be that bad.... right?
When I worked at YPO on the final day before the Christmas break, a colleague and myself always used to volunteer to order and collect the mid morning baps for all the staff who were working that day. There's a patisserie owned by a French guy in Stanley and he and his staff used to prepare our order. Believe me the smell of upwards of eighty bacon or sausage baps, some with tomato dip, brown or red sauce was absolutely unbelievable. Used to be able to smell that unique aroma into the early New Year.
22 years. At least she has good taste ;-) Something to look forward to tomorrow, takes my mind off the extra 3 weeks wait after my hospital appt this morning and more tests. Ah well, hey ho, and all that malarky.
Happy 22nd anniversary. Obviously she deserves a medal but I suppose a posh bacon roll will have to do!
Oh this is just since we got together... i lasted a whole 15 years until i succumbed to the pressure of proposal!
I'm sure Dishoom are targetting me somehow. I saw a post about the exact same thing on a completely unrelated messageboard earlier today. I reckon I'm probably the only person who posts on both boards, so they must have me in their sights...