He's in talk with Peter Doyle about a sale. Peter has apparently offered him "20 parnd and a BBQ at his gaff"
With the current situation I'm not sure how much Lee or Conway are involved at all anymore. Seem happy to leave the running of the club to Dane Murphy. Billy Beane is a bit of a myth too. Is there any evidence that Beane has ever actually done anything at the club?
Not sure what people want. Do we want backers like our friends in S6? My preference is for them to quietly go about their business.
aye. He phoned me this morning, had to tell him to ring back as I was on my way for a covid jab....... still waiting for the return call.
There was a story that came out last year about beane stepping down from his role with Oakland due to a potential conflict of interests as he's now involved with the group that owns Boston red Sox (and Liverpool). I wonder if the same will apply if we do manage to get promoted?
Mr Lee is quoted in an article on the BBC website about the use of data experts in football. It’s actually under the Business tab (sorry I can’t post a link) - “the most under-rated feature of football”. Neerav Parekh is founder and CEO of a data analytics company (and one of the owners).