These people need recognition, these people need rewarding. It's scandalous, Tory Backstuds.
that is a total kick in the face to our Angels.... they should get at least 5 % if not more. FFS Bojo had his life saved by them and members of the Royal family too , if he has a pair then he should step in and make that pay rise much much higher. Also key workers should get a very healthy pay rise too. I wonder what the pay hike will be for politicians. I know our NHS people would never do it but I would not blame them if the said " if thats all you think we are worth then Fcukyou & and go on strike.... but I know their sense of duty and commitment goes beyond that.... maybe other areas in the public sector could stage a strike/work to rule in order to get them what they truly deserve.
Billions have been siphoned off to tory friends and donors but we can't afford more than 1% for the heroes in the NHS.
Jolly jolly good. I'll be voting for them next time. i have a lot of friends who don't know anything about politics but they do like meaningless slogans like 'Get Brexit Done' and 'Build Back Better'. The NHS staff are heroes of course but its a vocation, NHS staff should be happy they have a job and they should be pleased with the pay award. There are lots of people (like my friend Cyril) who would, untrained, jump at the chance to work long hours for crap pay. I rest my case.
I would expect nothing less from the lying con artists. Have they learnt nothing from the last 12 months? Apparently not
Levelling-Up agenda: Richmond (North Yorkshire - local MP acertain Mr Sunak) placed in a higher category of economic distress than Barnsley or Sheffield. Jenrick's constituency receives £25M to rebuild a castle. 1.3 million people will be dragged into income tax bands and 1 million into the higher rate due to the budget measures. Pay rises held back for NHS staff as outlined in the OP. Meanwhile the free trade deal with the EU is in danger of unravelling due to UK's unilateral suspending of the Northern Ireland protocol and the loyalist paramilitaries are telling the authorities they no longer feel bound by the terms of the Good Friday Agreement. Covid deaths now at 124,000 and we remain under restrictions until mid-summer. Upshot of all this? YouGov find that the Tories have risen to a 13 point lead over Labour following the budget. And it's worth recalling that had the Tories and the Brexit Party been able to combine their votes in Barnsley Central in December 2019 they would have defeated Labour and Dan Jarvis. Some may find this a tad depressing!
The CPI September to September inflation rate (which seems to be used for a number of things) was 0.5%, so perhaps the government thinks that an above inflation pay rise of 1% is recognition in itself. I doubt that many of us would agree, but if you voted them in, I'm afraid you're partly culpable. Next time, think long and hard before you put your X on the ballot paper.
ive just called into the shop on my way to work and made the mistake of having a look at the front pages of the papers. Guess what the Red Tops are leading with? That nasty Meghan Markle. The country is completely fcked.
When Boris Johnson croaks it his gravestone will read Here lies Boris Johnson. Why change the habit of a lifetime.
All in the plan to demoralise NHS staff and soften them up for privatisation. I would suggest that they walk out and let people die but this Government and it would appear large parts of the general population don’t care about dead bodies
I can explain this. 1) Johnson appears on TV flanked by two Union flags. 2) I’ve had my jab so I’m off on holiday. 3) We make our own laws and break any made by foreigners. 4. Britain is great.
But Torys could find an extra £15 billion funds for our world class Track and Trace system - Yes, thats in addition to the £22 billion already spent on it. just think about that number for a minute - £36 billion pounds - 1/3rd of the entire NHS budget - on what? Its a massive scam worthy of the worse Banana republic, a Kleptocracy in all but name.
Interestingly there was a midwife on the radio this morning who was grateful for 1% and having a secure job through the crisis. Said she'd rather the money went to propping up struggling sectors and those made unemployed. She does have a point. Long term I'd definitely want to see them rewarded but short term there may well be better priorities. Sh*t did I just defend the Tories? I need a shower.