Hey I made my point, sorry but I thought a forum was for stuff like that, I made my point or is that just for points you agree with, you want to defend a party who I think is as bad as the other, crack on time will tell. And that really is it for me
So someone’s religion and someone else’s skin tone is prejudiced by stuck up privileged inbred parasites. And there are those out there who support the cretins. All makes me sick to the back teeth. Time to abolish the monarchy.
I don't want the monarchy to end. Every country has figureheads - Royalty, despots, military heads, Kim Yng Il, Sturgeon .......... TRUMP, and I'd rather have our thousand-year old system - even if it means privileging them - than having to privilege a new format which would most likely be a celeb-cum-leader like Trump or God forbid we have to look up to, and respect the winner of Love Island every year as our elected head of state. They need to modernise, but aye, its a case of keep them for me.
For a couple who quite a while ago said they wanted to step back from royal duties and publicity. Lots of noise still being made.
ha ha quality work Prince Charles shocked Camilla when he pulled out his blue penis, she went "OMG", he said "Sorry ive had it in Di"
I'd prefer an elected figurehead than one selected by accident of birth which perpetuates the idea that some people are born better than others and deserve to rule due to their surname.
Respect your opinion, but as I say, who would be elected? On current form it would be some demi-celeb like Piers Morgan, Alan Sugar or Sajid Khan. They wouldn't last a second with cameras in their faces 24-7-365 and every conversation, private or otherwise recorded and shared. it would take thousands of years of practice for them to live with the scrutiny - the current lot have had that. For the record, I'm not an ultra-Royalist, I don't bow to them or believe they are descended from God like some 1940's schoolboy, I just think that while we have them, I'll choose to support them over any modern alternative. We could end up like the French for God's sake ;-) Nobodies. With nothing.
Me too, but I suspect that if there were a referendum (God forbid!) on whether we keep the monarchy "yes" would win by about 9 to 1. I've long suspected that no-one in power has ever seriously proposed a written constitution because the role of the monarchy would have to be more closely defined (and limited).
Not just her. Anyone who doesn't fit a certain stereotype is going to get rough treatment form our disgusting media. It's never been great but these days it really is an absolute disgrace.
The royals will very soon manufacture another wedding to deflect attention from all the crap and the media will then tell us how lovely they all are. Most of the public will lap it up