yeah but ............ the real reason the public lap it up is that it will mean a day off!! There is no other reason to lap it up. What was Googles most typed Royal question last month? Along the lines of "will we get a Bank Holiday if Prince Philip dies?"
It would be sod's law to come out of lockdown and the Queen to die and everything stops again for the period of mourning
I’m looking forward to this interview on Monday but I get the feeling I will be very disappointed. Little sh*t hitting that fan. More of a damp squib. But you never know maybe there might be a surprise in store.
What about a system where children are chosen completely at random to go on the line of succession, say 10 on there at a time? They are free to opt out at any point and when someone drops off the list a new addition is chosen from that day's births
I don’t like her for the same reason I don’t like any of the royal family. Their awful privilege. They spit on normal working people like us.
If your granddad was 99 and in hospital, the only procedure he would have received is for them to put a "do not resuscitate" notice at the bottom of his bed.
No a day off to celebrate her memory i.e. go to the pub and get pissed. That's assuming there's any left and they are open when the said event occurs.
Just to correct a few things, she IS on the tea towel and she also has one of those masks with cut outs for the eyes etc. Still on sale in Windsor before lockdown and no I didn't buy one
Not why I don’t like her. She reminds me of 2 of my ex-wives. Devious, seeking to alienate me from my family and with psycho tendencies. Look at her eyes! Harry probably already realises he’s dropped a boll0ck but will feel too humiliated to cough it just yet. They won’t last.
Would be ace if he wheeled his dad on for a surprise appearance ................................... whilst Charles is watching with popcorn in Highgrove
It makes me laugh how there's a probable nonce in the Royal family but Meghan is apparently the bad apple for wanting to get her family the f*ck away from the press who killed her husband's mother.
That's just an obscene generalisation to make and another fine example of extremism working as negatively as what you're trying to put the spotlight on. I have zero fondness for Meghan Markle and it has nothing to do with the colour of her skin - I simply don't relate well with her anytime she's been in an interview. I think the way they've behaved as a couple towards the royal family is questionable, and this sheer audacity to claim they're moving away from the media spotlight to end up in Hollywood appearing on Oprah and signing Netflix deals is shocking. I also think they've had an awful time from the media which isn't fair. But the media globally are utter trash anyway so sadly that's par for the course - they fail us every day.
Why do you think the media have treated her so much more harshly than they ever did Kate? I'm not saying it definitely is 100% racism, but I think it's naive to suggest that isn't at least an element of why the treatment has been so markedly different. Also do you think your view of her might be informed by the tone and content of the press coverage?
Sorry mate but I was responding to someone claiming anyone who doesn't like Meghan Markle is racist - it wasn't linked to the media so I wasn't being naive or suggesting anything like that. To be honest I find it interesting that tone and content of press coverage is suddenly an influencing factor because it's driving an opinion that you disagree with, but that same influence and tone content doesn't exist if they're sharing things you do agree with. I wouldn't want to get drawn on the racism claim. Maybe it exists, and I can see why people might think so, but it isn't the sole reason there's negativity out there. Kate initially got a lot of heat from the British press and really had to win them over and it hasn't been a giant love in. Was it 'Waity Katie' because she was just a normal girl? Telling her she should get a 'proper job' before she could announce she was engaged to William. They had their phones tapped. Saying the Queen didn't like her. Can't remember all the exact headlines but the press were all over them in the early days. I think there's mainly some animosity because of the Hollywood links, the way we as a country look at Hollywood culture, and how it appears that the culture has driven certain decisions. I've already said I think the media have treated them badly. My main point here is that you're not a racist if you dislike Meghan Markle and some of their own behaviour should be questioned at the same time as the behaviour of our press. Not a good luck for all sides basically.