I'm not disputing the fact that the press turned against Meghan. I'm disputing that some on here say it's down to the colour of her skin. Like I said, she was very popular when she first appeared on the scene but people turned against her. People are far too quick to throw in the race card. Katie Price has had awful press all of her life. I daresay the race card would have been thrown if she'd been Asian. I'm not a fan of any royal so don't give a monkeys about any of them but for U T C to say the only reason she's disliked is down to racism is totally wrong.
I struggle to see how anyone can take the side of either party in this circus. Are the media keen for Meghan to fail because she is American? Yes, it’s Edward and Mrs Simpson #2. Are the media more than a little racist? Yes. Do the media disapprove of MM being an actress rather than from “good stock”? Probably that as well. But what we are seeing here is perhaps the most stark example yet of a celebrity seeking to take total control of her public persona/image. 20 years ago the cult of celebrity was about courting the media. Now new social/web channels mean that celebrities can opt out of the mainstream media. MM isn’t a victim of the media, she is taking them on and beating them having employed highly skilled PR and the most expensive and aggressive claimant libel firm in London. In her interview with Oprah she refers to the Royals as “the firm”, a carefully chosen, highly provocative word no doubt rehearsed numerous times with her advisers. The terms of the Oprah interview will have been very carefully negotiated too. If you’re looking for someone who has been treated utterly appallingly by the media then look at the recent sky documentary about Britney Spears.
I thought it common knowledge that "the firm" is how the Royal family describe themselves? I know that and I don't read anything about them.
I don't understand your point. I'm not saying that the head of state should be immune from criticism. If it were Boris I'd still think he's a **** and criticise him but I'd be thankful that he was democratically elected and could be replaced by someone chosen by the people, rather than the next in an endless line of privileged inbred leeches.
Almost every fcuker on the BBS despises the democratically elected leader. He might not be head of state but imagine if he had almost ultimate power.
Please read my post. Sections of the press are racist. Sections of the press are misogynistic. Sections of the press perpetuate class differences.
Yeah I hear you. Remember when Kate Middleton served delectable avocado, but Meghan Markle's favourite snack avocado KILLS THE ECOSYSTEM. It's definitely not racism at all.
Remember when Kate Middleton was told to get a proper job before having the audacity to get engaged to Prince William? Do you remember when the papps were on their every move? Tapping their phones? Announcing their secrets? Remember when the press gave her the nickname 'Waity Katie' and claimed she was a normal girl trying to create a future based on living off the Royals? Remember when the press claimed the Queen hated her?
Slightly longer than ten days and over a couple of years. No need to play down the abuse that Kate received, but play up what Meghan has received. Both were out of order and both shouldn't have happened. I repeat though. The global press are utter garbage.
Agree, I really don't care. It's about as far removed from what I know about and what I care about as I can think of. Even though there are isolated people in the Amazon Rainforest who have a better take on contemporary popular culture than I have, I've still been exposed to a little bit of this. You can't get away from it, and I've really tried. And I must admit, from the little I've read, Barnsley Red seems to have a point, the stuff written about her is just fk*cing horrible.
I’m sure they wouldn’t be kind to you. I’m 100% certain they would see you as beneath them. I’m sure, as I am a hard extreme lefty, you see me as beneath you too.