If you find the Wednesday thing tiresome & you couldn"t give a monkeys how they do ,then why are you commenting on them ?
I hope they lose every game. Go bust. Then reform under a different name. Then lose every game. Then go bust again.
I’m loving our current form, Barnsley football club has shone a shining light on this lockdown for me personally. Also, I’d be telling porkies if I didn’t say I’m also loving what’s going off at that club too, I hope they go down and go down again. I understand the argument that not all their fans are arsholes, although I haven’t met many of them who aren’t. But I’ve not really mixed with the Wednesday fans from Sheffield it’s the ones in Barnsley and villages in Rotherham I’m pals with, and it’s impossible to have a conversation about football with them. The delusional that they’re a massive club genuinely isn’t banter, they believe that rubbish. They think they have a right to be divisions above our club and they can just take what players they want from us. I’m glad the tables have turned.
Completely with all of the above. The only thing I will say is that a lot of their fans goaded us when they signed Winnall from us and had this arrogance that they could sign who they wanted at the time - I seem to remember them going on about how they’d sign hourihane at the time too A lot of us won’t forget the chants after he scored against us at oakwell and I believe a lot of the hatred stems from there But the constant obsession is getting a bit much - I’m friends with Wednesday fans and work with some and it’s usually just banter and a bit of local jibe- nothing more.
when Sammy the Snake picked up Peppa pig was funniest thing ever, Adam Hammill said if his strike that got headed over bar had gone in, he was going to run length of away end waving it, there would have been a riot he said in hindsight he glad it did not go in
Couldn’t care less about Wednesday. Most Yorkshire clubs I want to do well when they aren’t playing us or it’s Leeds. I would say that their laughable attempt at financial doping deserves a relegation to punish what is a blatant attempt at cheating but still wrong for the cast majority of normal likeable Wednesday fans.
I can't say I view them as any more 'rival' than any other near neighbour, its always been the same with football probably because of workplace banter. Its just in the case of Wednesday fans they set themselves up with the ridiculous comments they have made over the years about promotion and Europe etc
I think their biggest problem is their vocal clown minority who constantly ring Radio Sheffield spouting their bile. If they could gag that bunch they would be a lot more tolerable as, in reality, every Wednesday fan I know, personally, is bang on.
Just enjoy the schadenfreude, I live within sight of Hillsborough and it warms the cockles of my heart their plight and our position. Blades chipping in with their own abject misery as well. It all runs in cycles, it'll be our turn again in the future so enjoy it while it lasts.
I dislike Wednesday as much as most Barnsley fans. Scrolling though our forum last night I though it was a bit embarrassing seeing several different threads about them to be honest. Why not just put it all in one thread? ♂️ We’ve had an amazing season so far but find it strange by 18.30 on match day 1 in ever 3/4 threads is about opposition we’ve not played on the day.
I'm the same with all the brexit/political/covid threads. You know what I do? Don't read them........
At the start of this season my mate laid me a wager. Despite their points deduction he was adamant they would finish above us. The loser takes the winner to the pub (post apocalypse) and buys the first 6 rounds. Now is it inappropriate of me to ask for a bottle of Moet every time or shall I just do it a couple?
Delusions of grandeur Not paying wages Living beyond their means Cheating The word massive. There you go.