If I were Chien Lee I’d be doing everything into power, to make he never steps foot in Oakwell again.
Sadly these people can be opposition fans causing trouble, but it is possible to trace this back to its origin and if I was as wealthy as Mr Chein I would be paying someone to do just that then getting the police to knock on the door....but if it is one of our lot ..Name...Shame...Ban
I was genuinely surprised and disappointed when I saw it. By all means slag Chien Lee or the board off if you want (bit odd given we're 6th and currently on a streak of record victories) - but what's his fùcking ethnicity got to do with anything? I really hate to see folk banned and I'd rather this idiot was educated, but maybe that's hoping too much. Also crazy and sad that he thinks he can say shìt like this without worrying about possible consequences.
We’ve spoken to the club on this and they’ve come back to us saying it’s under investigation, the tweet has been reported, the account blocked, and at the point they find out who it is they’ll be subsequently banned from Oakwell. Not sure there’s much else they can do straight away so good to know they’ve got it in hand. They do act really quickly on things like this - just not always easy to then share that action has been taken.
Words said or written that not acceptable in society. What is wrong with some people. Neither clever nor funny.
Give him a 5 year football ban from football & mandatory re instruction in civil behaviour. See what he learns, if nowt- lifetime ban. Prat..
Surely individuals on twitter and Facebook who write racist/abusive comments can be identified and located.
I don't know. But I would guess that anyone being banned from a sports stadium has that reported to the police.
If the email account associated with his Twitter account is the same one for his Barnsley FC account (assuming he has one), then it should be fairly straightforward.
Just had a read through that lads twitter replies and it's fair to say he's not blessed with much upstairs. Hopefully someone will be able to identify him and get him the lifetime ban he deserves.
Everyone please report it on Twitter. Screengrab this piece of schitt’s tweet in case it decides to delete it. Absolute vermin - hopefully someone will name & shame, with all the consequences that brings.