Many years ago, I was chased into my friend's house at the top of Jermyn Croft in Dodworth by these evil geese. Just as he opened the door, I ran past him, absolutely terrified. I looked round and saw Crystal gently fussing these beasts and they were acting like the friendliest, most gentle chicks with her!
I swear those geese were going to tear me limb from limb. They then turn into the friendliest, sweet & fluffy animals when Crystal started fussing them. Cue much mocking laughter from Crystal, my friend and his wife!
My older sister in the Annual Cross Country at Holgate School, when we were in first and second place. She had to stop to tie her shoe lace, and I carried on. She didn’t catch me. Think if she reads this she may wish to chase me again. Good job she’s in Canada.
Daz Cockeril. Used to know him well when I was a teenager. He died a few years ago. He was a reds fan back in the day, never thought he’d be a violent sort though - he was always too stoned
Guardia Civil in Magaluf some years ago, we was pissed up walking on the beach and we decided to climb up the lifeguard tower, we saw some headlights in the distance and realised it was a 4x4 screaming down the beach, a think I jumped from the top deck and my mate shot down the stairs, they are one set off mad ********, there was no talking, it was truncheons out
remember going on hill in Hemsworth and someone saying don't mention beef burgers to him, he don't like it, think he got me a win on bandit in Victoria once as he was new reels for nudges
Two Rotweilers and a Bullmastif. I was helping my Dad out during holiday from Uni and his company were doing some pretty expensive bathrooms at a house in Cawthorne. I had to drop something off for the plumbers working there. I pulled up to the electric gates, which were closed, got out of the car and headed to the intercom to alert the owners I was there with a delivery. 3 guard dogs appeared like lightning going crazy. I was thankful the gates were shut. I buzzed the intercom but nobody answered. All of a sudden, the gates started opening... Panic ensued. I tried to get back to the car but the dogs were too quick. I absolutely **** myself. I ended up with a rottweiler biting each ankle and the bull mastif on its back legs going for my face/neck and I was just trying to stop that. It did bite my arm but I managed to defend my face. I've no idea how I stayed upright. Thank f**k I had ankle-high boots on otherwise I probably would have gone down. After what seemed like a long struggle (but probably wasn't that long), the gardner appeared. He whistled at the dogs and gave them a shout and they let go of me and trotted back into the garden. It seems the woman who's house it was had gone out and left her Dad there. He thought it was her coming back. The guy owed my Dad a lot of money so there weren't any complaints etc.
Oh and the staff of an Indian restaurant in the big market in Newcastle Upon Tyne. A large group of us went for a curry after a student night out. It was my very first visit to a curry house. At the end of the meal, someone had the bright idea to do a runner. I really didn't want to and tried to persuade them it wasn't a good idea so was probably last out of the restaurant but I went along with it because I didn't fancy stumping up for everyone's meal. We got chased through the Toon and did manage to lose them eventually. I think that is probably the hardest I've ever run.
we did a runner as a family in Blackpool,we had our dinner and my dad said are you paying to my mum, she said I got no money thought you had, he went no thought you had, it was last day of our Holiday and they both spent up, I had spent my money on space invaders . only had a bag of 2p left, no cards etc in them days,we was near door suddenly my dad went leg it and off we went chairs knocking over everywhere,can still see my mum running, with her arms folded across her chest and her legs going off at tangents, not Olympic form by any means ,I was being weighed down by 2ps and my dad was causing some kind of static reaction with the tram wires as he had his extra tight nylon brown collared working mans club t shirt on, his beer belly was bouncing everywhere, think we covered the golden mile till we eventually stopped and skulked back to our hotel, my mum was mortified and made my dad promise he would send a cheque to restaurant when we got home , but knowing our family it probably bounced
I once convinced myself that I'd been chased by a fox. I'd had a night out with a few old uni mates. One of them was still at uni, and let me stay at his. He'd pulled on the night out, and gone back to hers, so gave me his house mates number, told me to call him and he'd direct me to their house. I got lost somewhere near Shoreham Street in Sheffield. I was convinced that I needed to go down this alley way. When I approached it, I saw a pair of eyes. It was a fox! I'd never seen a fox before, but I assumed they were vicious. From reading books and stuff when I was younger, I was always terrified that I would encounter wolves in the wild (and quicksand) and assumed wolves and foxes were essentially the same thing. It took one step towards me, and in my drunken state, I legged it. Before I knew it, I was even more lost, however I'd managed to evade the fox. My mates housemate came to meet me, and told me that the fox was probably more frightened by me than I was of it, and they're quite timid. Still, I was adamant I had been chased by a fox.
once saw a fox nailed to a tree as a small child on a walk in some woods , was awful poor thing god knows why