Meghan claims that a member of the Royal household made comments regarding how dark Archie’s skin might be. Absolutely disgusting. The racist must be outted named and shamed.
Named, shamed and gotten rid of. However, unless they are named, then the interviewee's accusation holds no sway . . . . she may as well just be playing cards.
I think the exchange between Anna and Shola on BBC Breakfast this morning (the presenters lost authority and the interviewees lost control) will cause as many ripples as the Oprah one in this country today. Two ignorant, abhorrent, racist women allowed to propagate their bile on national TV, uninterrupted.
When asked who it was, Meghan said something to the effect of “naming them would damage their reputation too much.” So we know it’s not the Duke of Edinburgh.
That’s clearly not what they were saying. Talking about how dark skinned a baby might be and “what that would mean”. I believe it completely and sadly it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. And I don’t blame Harry for a second for getting as far away as possible.
That is true I have a long body and short legs,my wife as a normal head,sorry don’t know why I mentioned heads,I mean my wife as a short body and long legs,my son was either going to be a giant a dwarf or ok,we speculated what would happen and he ended up being ok luckily
Whoever it was might have been picking out a nice jumper for him and didn’t want it to clash ,who knows
All a load of tripe. They're annoyed they don't receive royal funding anymore so want to have a dig and make some brass at the same time.
But an accused nonce gets protection from investigation while still receiving royal funding. Priorities eh?
It's very likely Philip. I don't think we have to worry about getting rid of him at this point, nature seems like it's about to do the job.
Interesting how the tabloids in varying degrees are heavily siding with the Royals and making disparaging comments about the couple. It is ironic that they dismiss much of the content of the interview as being 'one sided', and especially the comments by Meghan how the Royals are supported by the Tabloid media as they give access to them in return for favourable reporting. As for Piers Morgan's ' judgement' , nuff said!!! You have to consider that if one side stays silent in these circumstances, they have something to hide. An excuse of , "we will not dignify those accusations with a comment" will not not cut it. They HAVE to respond. Whilst the Crown is fictional, there is certainly enough 'meat' in the general storyline of a dis-functional family, in many ways, controlled by the courtiers, to maintain the rituals and antiquated conventions of a bygone age. Family members curtsying to the Queen even in domestic non public situations!? Remind me in what century we are living. Whilst I am not anti royal, modernisation of the whole institution is well overdue. From the sound of things Charles (and possibly William) will still be unable to break the stranglehold of convention, tradition i.e. 'Duty and Service', and being controlled by the Establishment. I remember Charles being inadvertently being caught on video generally being aloof, condescending and entitled, talking to one of his sons, describing Nicholas Witchell (who was the BBC Royal correspondent at the time) as "that horrid man". He is old school and certainly won't change. IMO, unless they grab the nettle, even if they are bolstered by the sycophantic Tabloids the mood of the public, will shift towards abolition of the monarchy.
As devout republican, I can say to anyone worriying that the royal family won’t survive this scandal,,,,,,,don’t. The German Saxe-Coburg dynasty was “the royal family “ during the 1st world war, when this country was fighting er,,,,,Germany . Because of anti German feeling, they simply chose another name which sounded more British,, Windsor. Now, IMO if they can get away with that, they can get away with absolutely anything!!!