Can someone explain all this Meghan stuff to me. Is she not liked because she is a "commoner"? Is there issues because of her ethnicity? Because she wanted out of the Royal family? I genuinely dont know. And who are "they"? The media? Or from inside the royal circle? Just trying to break it all down into something straightforward.
Could it have been a misguided attempt at some sort of joke? Still inexcusable though. When you think about it the entire concept of royalty is racist. All based on heredity - you only get to be properly a part of it if you're directly descended from the current monarch.
Criticising then courting the media smacks of hypocrisy to me. Us mere mortals will never know the true story and what was allegedly said behind closed doors but the truth as always lies somewhere in the middle. It's all about opinions and nobody's are ever right, they're just opinions. It's a soap opera, thats going to run for boring year after boring year. They're in it for the brass , which they are entitled , it's their choice.
I agree with this mate. Yes they want their privileged family circle to remain a closed shop but still want us plebs to finance their extravagances and sickening wealth.
I wouldn't have minded if the kid was a full on shade of Frank Bruno........ If he was my lad Id be high fiveing him for shagging a worldie. A ginner aswell. Dis da haterz. But id stay clear of chauffeur driven cars in France for a while like.
I've never been a royalist, their role should be more symbolic, the Queen still has enormous power but chooses not to use it, worryingly Charles might be more proactive. They aught to be more like the Norwegian royals and do actual jobs.
You've gone from questioning how much money they got for it before telling them to get a job in 3 lines there. They literally can't win either way. Their line of work is always likely to be in the public spotlight, because that's their USP, so they either do that and make money or don't and go bust.
I couldn't care less if we have a monarchy or not to be honest, I have no time for any of them at all. What I will say is that if you want to tell your side of a story, release a statement. Appearing on Oprah just seems like a means to make money/ get payback and doesn't come across as being for all the right reasons in my opinion. Meghan's treatment in the media, however, has been disgusting. And in relation to the initial question @arabian_ian , my money is on William. Purely because he's one of few with any credible reputation.
Just to conclude then. 1. Harry and Meghan should not rely on 'Royal Handouts'. 2. Harry and Meghan should not appear in any form of media, as that's just a money making scheme. Makes sense.
I see it’s his 70th birthday on 27 March this year. Will have to spend the afternoon remembering his greatest games. Although I spend lots of afternoons doing that already.
Summat else to divide opinion and take the limelight away from whats really going on in the country. Media shiite.
In relation to 1, yes I agree with that. As for 2, of course not but do you think it was the best way to get their side across? Can't you see that it throws up a tonne of questions re motives?
You're not allowed to call out the hypocrisy of fleeing one country because you don't want to live in the media spotlight, only to end up in LA of all places signing Netflix deals and appearing on Oprah. I mean if people really knew the dynamics of LA as a city, rather than a tourist destination, they'd understand just how bizarre this approach is.