of course, we can all speculate who Meghan was referring to but this thread has already gone beyond that.
Dint give a **** about all this Royal pap but now I find unforgotten is put back to Tuesday. Bloody royals hang em all
Yes, there's speculation on here about who said what, but that is based on parts of the interview that have been widely reported on. Whereas those so called royal commentators on the LBC clip were basically making stuff up about an interview that they'd admitted that they hadn't seen yet. And they took a fee it as well.
One will call on his fathers military prowess and the other will call on his fathers knowledge of talking to plants. I'll go for Ginge, but there is an outside chance Will could bore him to death.
I've read a few things saying they're idiots or hypocrites for leaving and then doing interviews etc. It's perfectly acceptable to want to run away from the British scum media who killed Harry's mum, has constantly accused harry of not even being a royal and has assassinated Meghan's character whilst stil enjoying a bit of limelight and the benefits that come with it living in la. A woman who wears a short skirt isn't asking to be taped and a couple who court the media in LA aren't asking for British scum media to try to assassinate their character
Although I have no ill will towards any individual per se I really don't give a toss about any of em. Harry doesn't give a **** about people like me. Meghan doesn't. The Queen doesn't. Andrew doesn't. Phillip doesn't (he's got other things on his mind anyway). Charles doesn't. Etc. Etc... They all feather their own nests, all try to manipulate the system in their own ways and all try to get money to perpetuate their role/lifestyle. If they want to rip each other to shreds that's up to them. The sooner the public see through the ******** of it all the better. Bring back Oliver Cromwell! Edit: I don't really want anyone's head chopped off!
I really can’t be bothered with her, but if it brings the monarchy closer to the end then I suppose it’s worth it, especially if it’s outing some racists nonsense.
I know mate, not making light of it. One of the very reasons why Met not looking into it, is because she wasn't a minor under UK law. Total cop out and there's a load other reasons why they don't want to touch with a sh*tty stick.
Next thing will be folk arguing that we should have treated her and Harry like an Emirati princess. Kidnap em and lock em away so they can't destroy our Royal Family and culture of bowing down to em.
Peston wasted time at a covid press conference to ask about a personal family matter. For all the things to have a go at Boris for, staying out of this matter isn't one of them.