I'm having surgery for prostate cancer. But I make no excuses for reposting my previous comments to all men 60 and over. If you've not had a PSA test, get one. It's no big deal just a blood sample there's no prodding and poking. Blokes are, in the main, hopeless at doing anything pro-active with health concerns. I feel fine in myself and that's the problem. Most men who have prostate cancer are completely unaware of their condition and so do nothing. The age of men contracting prostate cancer has been affecting younger men in recent years. So I say again if you haven't had a PSA test ring your GP and get one. If this doesn't convince you the stats might . Around 12,000 deaths a year that's 13% of all cancer deaths in men.
Best of luck and I’ll reiterate your advice. Last Jan I met a mate in the pub and talked him through my recent cancer screening. He said he’d never had any screening for any cancer. but he looked concerned and said he’d make some appointments. Long story short, he’s just finished his radiotherapy and after a massive scare, looks like he’ll be all clear by the end of the year. Don’t die of ignorance lads
I'll add to that. Even for those reaching 40, a GP does a health screen with blood tests etc. I'd hardly ever go to the doctors and never suffered ailments much at all. So when I hit 45 a few years back, had an ailment that saw me at the GP for the first time in donkeys years, they collared me and did the health screen check up that I didn't even realise I was supposed to have. What they detected was a knackered thyroid that they are still increasing the meds for and something else they are still investigating which seems to be having an adverse effect on a number of things, but is veering the way of being rare and serious. So to people of all ages, even if feeling fine, have tests, take them seriously and do what you need to do. Good luck GK.
Hope all goes well with your surgery. I've got prostate enlargement, thankfully benign for now although I am on medication to help it and I do have regular PSA tests. I totally reiterate all that you're saying, hopefully we can encourage other men to get checked regularly.
Good luck GK, good advice, I have family history of prostate problems , I went to the med centre and wasn't looking forwarded at being violated by the MO who as a index finger like ET, I was surprised and happy when they said roll ya sleeves up its only a blood test nowadays, I had syked myself up to to lieing on my side with my knees pulled up to my chest, you are bang on the money get the test, and again all the best for your op
Thank you for all your kind messages of support. God willing I'll be back home at the weekend in one piece, well one big piece minus one small piece.