awful thing that as happened to poor lass, but everyone as to get involved these days and it just gets extreme reactions like this,my sister once walked home drunk from town at 2 a.m, a bloke stopped asked if she wanted a lift,he may have been just a good Samaritan, but she said no and he drove off,afterwards she was "how stupid was I walking about on my own at 2 a.m"
I thought the issues with women being scared to go out at night was the fault of the criminals or the media.... neither of which will adhere to any curfew anyway... To link murderous people as just men is quite frankly ridiculous. A quote from question time tonight was that “men need to stop murdering women”. Whilst I agree that anyone should stop murdering women, it was inferred that all men had potential to be that murderer. Almost feeding the terror held by the women that seeing a man out at night will inevitably lead to their murder, and therefore create more fear for going out at night...
I'm not really advocating a curfew but maybe if there was one some attitudes towards how men treat women might shift?
Agree. You've only got to read some of the stories shared over the last 24 hours or so to think that. It's little things that men can do - like crossing over the road if you approach a woman at night or talking on the phone.
Is this not a bit like keeping the entire class behind for one lad who can’t follow the rules? My other issue is that it is being turned into a binary problem in a non binary world.
As I say I'm not advocating it but when the advice to women is don't walk alone in the dark why should men not be inconvenieced at all?
Most abuse to women is domestic abuse caused by partners or people they know in the home so curfewing men would increase abuse to women. Baroness Jones wow. I'm a man and treat all women respectfully and equal as I do for race, disability, sexuality because we are all equal. WLM movement coming, after the players have taken the knee maybe they can change knees then do a roly poly to show support. Normal people can't be treated as psychopaths and evil people. Looking forward to the Murderers Lives Matter movement starting.