Census day will soon be upon us, many of you may already have got your letter from the Office for National Statistics and even submitted your returns. Can I implore you all to please fill it in, it's vitally important for lots of reasons, but if you need just one, then if you are missing from the census then your local area will get less money for local services - hospitals, schools, roads etc. All government funding for the next 10 years will be based on population figures in this census. I don't work for the ONS, I work for the UK Data Service, an academic organisation that works with universities, research centres and the NHS to ensure that they have access and support for key data. I've been working with the census since 1995 so I know a few things about it. If you're worrying about evil use of the data or your details being disclosed in a data leak then don't worry, the ONS are utterly paranoid about his happening and put in place incredible security. No one has ever had their anonymity revealed by the data (until the 100 year rule allows access to the original records) and no data has ever been leaked.
Did it a couple of weeks back. I put "European" for my national self-identity. When I was at school, I was proud to say I was British. I was proud to say I was English. I was also proud to say I was Yorkshire. Sadly, only the last one is still true.
I worked on the last census for a bit of extra cash, they gave me the gypsy camp at Low Valley.... I didn't get much info.
It is: Personally I’m a bit concerned at the process that lets us complete it early. Mines done but I genuinely could get run over by a bus tomorrow.
That's perfectly fine, according to the leaflet but if you do you get run over you are required to tell ONS!
That reminds me of what mi Mam used to tell me when I was a kiddy "Don't come running to me, when ya fall off that wall and break ya leg!"
I’m not due back in the country until 29th March, air travel permitting. Will that be too late to submit my form?
Got mine yesterday. Please re-open the toll houses on Wentworth Main Street, before someone gets killed..
No, they might even be chasing you up to do it - but they’d rather it late than not at all. And to add to the OP - it is a legal requirement to do it, you can’t opt out without some level of repercussion.
No problem doing it but they’ll have to wait until I get my hands on the form. Online would be better