I realised I was an old codger when I was in Tesco Extra 3 years ago picking up a "Meal Deal". I'd got the sarney and drink and was just making my way round to get the chocy bar when I noticed that there were 3 youngsters about 7 or 8 years old surrounding the chocolate area. I stopped and the duty yummy Mummy (the Primary school had just finished for the day) noticed and said "Girls, girls mind out of the way and LET THIS OLD MAN get through". I looked behind myself as I thought there must have been a old bloke behind me, but no, there wasn't and then the realisation hit me! The YM was talking about ME! B0LLOCKS came to mind "I'm officially old"!
When a young lad offered me his seat on the bus cos I was stood up. I thought boll0x you cheeky bugger, I'm not that old.
I was driving through town one Friday evening a few years ago. There was a scantily dressed young lady walking by (thin blouse, mini skirt). My first thought was "That lass needs to put a big coat on. She'll be freezing".
I didn't actually. Despite the temptation to say boll0x, I just said, "No, you're alright mate, I like standing up."
When I started pottering about in the garden, not doing anything in particular, just pottering, I knew right then I had turned into my dad
when I tried to tie my laces this morning. And yesterday, my pension provider sent me one of those survey links and boy, my age is now WAY down that list of age groups ........ there's only 2 left!!