yet another falsehood and scare story believed by the masses. neither do they. they can buy there own if they wish as some member states have done.
as an ex lorrydriver on containers out of felixstowe, southampton, thamesport and that 5h1t hole liverpool, things always got quiet jan/feb time
Hate to be pedantic but the pandemic didn't cause any significant disruption to trade - the lockdown did. Important distinction. It's a common mistake, mainly made by the BBC, I assume deliberately.
And that's the best you can come up with???ffs It's pretty obvious why you have a clowns face as your avatar, except you aren't funny.
£5.6 billion reduction in the value of exports to the EU in 1 month, that's 3/4 of what were our annual cost of being a member and they pillocked millions that we would be able to spend the money on our NHS instead
Who votes for these Torys?, We have a 74% increase in foodbanks. 125 thousand deaths due to covid. Brexit going tits up in Northern Ireland with the troubles a possibility. Johnson lying to Parliament (I know there's nothing new there but on Wednesday he was brought to task by the speaker). And all they want to do is talk about how great the Queen is after Megan's revelations.
Bit harsh , you asked for one possible positive and that is the best I could do , although as a pro European myself the pandemic has opened cracks in the solidarity of the Union , open borders went , countries banning exports of PPE last year .....and that’s not just any Clown that’s Charlie Cairoli who played the Civic Hall numerous times