Had mine 4 weeks ago. Caught Covid last week but only symptons I had was a persistent cough for one day. Shows the vaccine does work.
Colleague's cousin had it a couple of weeks ago, developed Covid symptoms four days after. Doc's told her it was her body's reaction to the vaccine. Got worse and is now in hospital on oxygen. Got Covid scarring/shadows on the lung whatever that is. Only 34 but works in a care home.
I had mine last Monday at Sheffield Arena, ok for 12 hours then started bouts of shivering flu like symptoms that put me in bed for a day....I felt really rough but one day is a small price to pay. The missus was absolutely fine with hers, both of us AZ .
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/...accines-to-all-adults-by-early-june-dhqwm0gf3 By the time June 21st happens all adults who want a vaccine should have some protection.
That's very unfortunate, getting Covid four days after the vaccine. It's supposed to take around 20 days to be effective. I hope she makes a full recovery.
I had mine there and it only takes about 5 to 10 mins for the jab then you are asked to wait either in your car or in a waiting area for a further 15 mins
I was down for an 11-15 am appointment, I turned up at 10-15 and was told to join the queue straight away, there was only two in front of me and by 10-30 I was sat back in the car. My missus actually had hers a fortnight before and although the car park was busier she only had a 10 min wait to get in....its extremely well organised, can't knock it.
Had mine this morning at arena. Organisation was excellent. Feeling ok... ish. Didn’t even notice jab was done
I was Pfizered last week. Felt slightly grotty following morning but managed a decent 10k run and been right as rain ever since.