He's done it for the last year. Made up complete ********, pretended people have said things and tried to completely annihilate their character.
utterly unbelievable you are trying to defend that lot basically trashing the poor lasses memory and bringing more pain for her family
anyone running the ‘looking for trouble line’ is doing so. They are also the ones claiming the protest was illegal when it wasn’t.
10 minutes ago you were saying the protests were illegal when they weren’t. Then you loved onto people looking for trouble being somehow deserving of the violence that was met out to them.
I’m sorry mate but you can’t go making those accusations about people when the evidence in this whole thread doesn’t 100% support that view. It isn’t nice, or fair, and could be really damaging. You might take offence or disagree with certain comments, but making those claims is one step too far
I have never said anyone deserved violence you utter ***** And yes it was illegal as it had been banned and wasn't socially distanced
Is it reading or comprehension you struggle with? The High Court clearly said it could not be banned in fact the police had a legal duty to facilitate it. Your aggressiveness in a thread about male aggression does you little favour.
No they said it could not be AUTOMATICALLY unlawful, that isn't the same as saying they cannot be banned individually. Your accusations that I condone violence against women makes you an absolute lovely person. When you make disgusting allegations against me you will be met by anger. You called me racist last summer, accused my sister of being a bad parent and are saying I condone violence against women and you think you can make such horrible accusations without being met by anger? Get ******
Some wild stuff one here and some severe inaccuracies. Hard to really know what happened as not a lot of independent reports coming out but a couple of things that are definitely facts It wasnt illegal - the high court ruled so as pointed out by Jimmy Viz and the police certainly have mishandled this badly. I also note that most of the main contributers on this thread are male (myself included) and its much easier for us who dont face the problems that are faced by many women to say its wrong for them to want to highlight this issue by having a vigil - what other options do they have. Paradoxically the fact that the police have really given this the oxygen of publicity may turn out to be a benefit PS I see the Met have helped calm down things a bit by prioritsing defending a statue of Chruchill at todays protest
I can’t understand why anyone from South Yorkshire would defend the Met police after what they did during the miners strike, we all know what they’re like.
The average police officer serves for 26 years, the miners strike was 36 years ago. Do the maths. You may as well say I don't know why anyone defends a German, we all know what they did in the war.
I toyed with bringing that one up as well - along with the fact their cheif was in charge of the operation that shot and killed a totally innocent man but thought that would just add petrol to the flames
No it shouldn’t have been allowed... we’re in lockdown. Exercise, work snd essential shopping allowed. The police in Scotland should be ashamed of themselves for not upholding their countries law. Not ours being ashamed for upholding our laws...
you demonstrate clearly your anger issues. Again not a great look on a thread about make violence. You said specifically that this protest / vigil was unlawful. The HC clearly said it was not. It also said the police must engage and facilitate it as they are obliged to. I have never spoken about your sister specifically or called you specifically a racist as you acknowledged when you apologised to me privately at the time you took generalities personally and on reflection admitted you were wrong to do so.