Open up everything. Case numbers are nice and low, hospitalisations are low, deaths are low, the vulnerable are vaccinated Any reason why people are under restrictions? Does anyone still support restrictions? Of so what restrictions do you support?
“Case numbers are nice and low” 40,000 a week. That’s not nice and low. That’s on a knife edge and could very easily get out of control.
Isn't Barnsley the second worst place in the country? [Even when we come out, I suspect we will have another lockdown later in the year]
I think some stuff should start to open up - and it is. Schools have gone back. It’s ******* stupid to open everything at once. Schools opening will probably have a significant adverse effect. Need to make sure it doesn’t spiral out of control.
Not yet, not enough have had their second or even first vaccination. We saw what happened last time we opened up, the second wave was much worse than the first.
The vulnerable have not yet been vaccinated! You’ve been told this numerous times now but continue to spout nonsense about it.
Still not got first doses to all over 50s and clinically vulnerable. Then you have second doses to give out.
at 64 and classed as vunerable i had my 1st jab in late feb, but to be fair i think its been done ar5e about face, surely the young/working aged people should have been done 1st so as to open the economy up and get some cash into the country, just one opinion in 1000's
But wouldn’t that show us as a country that thinks money is more precious than lives? Our 1st priority is to try and prevent people from dying and trying to halt the spread
Not a big lockdown fan personally. Would have liked to have seen if there was a better way. But now they’ve gone the path they have they may as well stick with it. Don’t mind them taking it slowly. Would be very frustrated if restrictions including social distancing / masks continued once everyone has been offered a vaccine though. I agree, data is looking a lot more positive though
to be honest i have to agree with that view aswell, i suppose its damned if you do and damned if you dont. sorry to say that my 7 yo grandson will be helping to pay this bill off long after his old grandads worm fodder
No, they haven't. Most of the elderly and vulnerable have had half a vaccination, but not all have even had that.
That’s a reasoned argument, except: * Cases aren’t low * Hospitalisations aren’t low * The vulnerable aren’t all vaccinated, and those that are have mostly had only a first dose Yes I still support restrictions, despite hating them. I support a phased reopening of everything, checking numbers at each phase, so we don’t end up back at the beginning again come winter. Have a day off ST.
We were already paying for the global collapse in 2008. I think if we educated our young that people with money and privileges don’t have the right to exploit you. That this country belongs to all of us, that the most of the tabloid newspapers and the media are not your friends and should be questioned and treated with suspicion. Show them how Towns like Barnsley get starved of desperately needed investment yet more affluent Towns get millions. Basically, tell them that this unfair and tragic vindictiveness can be reversed if they are prepared to fight for it