. I'm genuinely, hand on heart, very sorry for your loss. I think I'll stay away from these debates now. I'm not dismissing COVID; it's clearly very serious for a lot of people. Maybe I just have a different view to some on where life should be heading. Sorry again.
Lockdown isnt kicking the can down the road though is it? Its delaying the spread until we can get everyone who wants a vaccine vaccinated whist trying to protect as many lives as possible.
Bubbles are collapsing because of the guidelines in place. One school sent home to self isolate 250 pupils for ONE positive LFT. Which is likely to return negative after a PCR. Remember, the same kids are out with each other every night playing football or giving the local brown kid a kicking as it seems to be around here...
My old work mate and cricket team mate sadly passed away last week of covid aged just 52. Wife, kids and grandkids left without a husband, dad, and grand dad. Some of you might have known him as he's played cricket for years and was still playing I beleive. Martin Mills R.I.P.
No sane person want's this lockdown situation & the reason figures are dropping is because of restrictions, can't you see that? We're all fed up but surely we can wait a few more weeks to kick this covid in the teeth and yes I know people are suffering & businesses too, let's get it right this & hopefully final time right.
I support all restrictions however hard and difficult it may be. Vaccine hopefully will make a huge difference. Another couple of months and then look at the figures before trying to get back to normal. All our schools went back today. Let’s see what the covid figures are like In 3 weeks time before relaxing any restrictions. I’d also like to express my sincere condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one to this horrid disease
Are you saying that they don't count? At what age do we draw the line? Do we have Logan's Run style ascensions?
wouldnt mind giving her an injection. . . . . BEHAVE. . . . . sorry. . . . . SORRY WHAT ?. . . .sorry please
Vaccines will never be 100% some people will have bith doses then still contract Covid and sadly die.
The schools effect won’t be as significant this time, as there is regular mass testing of staff and students....
Hands up. Who's the most boring poster, Super Tyke or the loony who reckons he lives in Italy? I'm torn...