Why do you ignore the full facts, which are that the vigil was only illegal because the Met Police decided they wouldn’t licence it (within their gift). So it was a Police decision to make it illegal, followed by a police decision to badly manage the then ‘illegal’ gathering. The attendees aren’t blameless obviously, but to see this as anything other than a Met Police f*€kip is beyond ridiculous. So a met policeman murders an innocent woman, other women wish to hold a vigil, and that officers colleagues then refuse to sanction / correctly manage the event, and follow it up by further violence. the only thing that’d make it worse would be if they then blamed the victims of the violence by using the exact phrase that many coercive violent men use. Oh!! They flipping did that too!
There didn’t have to be a ‘mass gathering’. The police refused to work with organisers to create a safer event.
If it’s not a mass gathering how is it illegal? Was it illegal when the Duchess of Cambridge attended?
Do you not understand ’it did not have to be a mass gathering’? Which of the words are too big for you?
Only your ego is too big and maybe the size of your outrage at everything, but sensible stuff. Whether it didn’t have to be, it was! Individuals decided to gather en mass for a protest.. therefore a mass gathering. If you want to find me a better definition to describe the gathering then crack on. The original organisers called it off, yet people still went... and gathered in large groups. Thereby not helping their cause or Covid.
And a self confirmed actress She's also a liar. She has claimed she was just standing there minding her own business when she was arrested and has no idea why.
Technically yes. Unless she was doing it within remit of her employer. It is an unnecessary journey. There were even when she was there people gathered ergo a gathering. Illegal.
Tbf, anyone who uses 'BLM leftie supporter' to describe someone, should immediately be dismissed as a Brexit-voting, daily mail-reading, Wetherspoons-supping, farage-loving, piers Morgan fanboy tory cnt
Yes they should but I wasn't showing that tweet it just included it for some reason as I think it's the tweet the one showing her screaming at the police was a reply to
But that is the point. The Met Police (one of whom murdered the girl who the thread is about) could have handled it with some consideration. Instead, they did what they do: they bullied women, and people defending that should ask themselves why. The organisers called it off because the police refused to work with them to keep it safe. So (surprise surprise) some people turned up anyway. If only there was some way they could have guessed that would happen and perhaps behave like grown ups.
Well she was there at the same time as other people. And to the best of my knowledge she doesn’t have an employer, she’s jobless.
So after the police deemed that people wouldn’t be a safe distance from each other in the original requested protest... And the original organisers called it off... a mass gathering occurred and needed to be disbursed. This in your warped mind is bullying by the people who murdered Sarah Everard. By the same logic, you should hand yourself in for your involvement too because you’re a bloke. Unless you’re ok because you don’t agree with the law against murder... ? I can’t imagine anyone wanting the thankless task of being a police officer, where murders both here and abroad give the people the right to treat you like ****. It is a thankless task, but I respect the people who do it.
These people are knowingly and willingly trying to spread a deadly and devastating disease during a pandemic. If there wasnt a pandemic on the rampage then protesting should be openly and enthusiastically encouraged, as it is at the moment, they should be charged as the criminals they are.
We’ll agree to disagree, but my mind isn’t warped. I just have a different view to you. I saw police officers using brute force on a crowd of mostly women. Women who were there because they’re upset at men who resort to the use of brute force. Meanwhile other police forces when faced with crowds of largely men, took the sensible view not to get heavy handed and turn it into a mass brawl. if you can’t see what the problem is there, then I’m sorry for you. I find it really odd that I’m the one saying people on both sides could have been reasonable and avoided this. And some people see that violence against these women is inevitable, but I’m the one that’s ‘warped’.
I've disagreed with you more than probably anyone on here but I will happily say that I think your replies in this thread have been quite reasonable. I don't agree with them all but they are certainly not warped
But when it’s groups of drunk football fans, it’s ok to let them get on with it. Or groups of anti-maskers? Etc etc. It’s only when they’re women is it ok to use violence against them.