It’s when you go through it thinking that would be better or would that? Then you remember what you prefer makes no sodding difference
Don't see the logic in wanting a Bournemouth win myself. No chance of reaching automatics so would rather widen the gap to 7th.
Let's be reight, it makes no odds either way. About time Swansea struggled and lost after playing rubbish though, rather than being let off with easy penalties.
Swansea victory. I don’t think second is realistic although ask me that again tomorrow night when we go 5 points from second place...
I think Bournemouth will bounce back. They simply have to. Swansea have looked a bit wobbly recently imo in spite of results. If Bournemouth lose and BFC win then they may as well say bye to the playoffs. That's why I think Bournemouth will wim
I'm quite happy for Swansea to continue shithousing their way into the automatics, we're realistically not gonna get 2nd but we have the best chance we've had for 20 years of finishing in the top 6. Hope they win tonight.
I don't care either way as I'll be watching repeats of A Place in the Sun dreaming that we won't be playing either next season
Swansea win all day long, Bournemouth are our biggest threat for a play off place. Lets get a decent gap to 7th place and then see where we finish.
You think there's a chance of them dropping 11 points, plus any that we drop in the last 10 games? Would be a serious plummet of form for them.