I'm not in the left wing club - pretty central on most things, in fact. But the above sums it up for me.
I wonder what would have happened if the police hadn't turned up would there have been a major disturbance?...most likely they would have lit a few candles, sang a few songs then gone home.
No, its not ok for any group at all to be gathering at this time. Theyre ******* irresponsible. As for poor miss everard, if there is anyone putting an iota of blame on her then they want sectioning
I refer you to my earlier comment re your anger. Arrogant? - I'm trying to have a calm reasonable discussion. The amount of angry men really does show what the problem is here though
Love how advice is taken on board. No need to be reacting aggressively and name calling. Equally no need to be telling someone they're that stupid they might need to have a primary school kid explain something to them. Not a good look on either side to be fair.
I don't particularly want to interject, and of course its your collective right to comment on topics and in threads however you see fit. But given this is about the struggle women face and the tragic murder of a particular woman.... could maybe the men be a bit more respectful and not have a pissing contest? It doesn't seem right in the context. And notice how our female BBS members have stopped the dialogue in this thread? Maybe there are some things to consider in there somewhere.
Tbf the only credit this Government get for the roll out of the vaccine is by this time not interfering and lining their mates pockets . It’s marvellous what the great British NHS can do without Government interference and letting the experts get on with it .
Just that maybe her actions weren't entirely honest, her story afterwards about what happened may involve a bit of acting on her part (as it turns out she was lying) and that she may enjoy the limelight a little bit
You are not though. You are a wind up merchant (admittedly good at it) Your posts are littered with arrogant condescending comments.Two examples just from this one thread (one aimed at Austino)... " Do you not understand ’it did not have to be a mass gathering’? Which of the words are too big for you?" and the one aimed at me re "sending a Primarys school pupil round to explain." I acknowledge I have strong opinions but unlike you .I may strongly disgree with some views and comments on here but do not always claim to be 100% right and everone else who does not agree with my PoV is 100% wrong. Furthermore, you use the tactic (not unique to you on thsi BB it has to be said, that you make condescending personal comments and insinuations and when someone responds in kind try to take the moral high ground and call people who do hypocrites. You also.like some on here when failing to hammer home a point resort to bringing up stuff from weeks and months ago. And for the record I am not an angry person except when responding to ... and I repeat myself... an arrogant egotistical condescending windup merchant like you who, whilst apparently articulate, seem to have flawed logic and enjoy arguing for argument sake I seriously hope in your line of work, whatever it is that you do, you are not responsible for anything that might be important.
Only when having to respond to W.U. pillocks like Donny-Red. Apart from that I am pretty chilled. I would like to put him on ignore but, due to the sheer volume of posts he seems to make on elongated threads they cease to make any sense when you cannot see what others are responding to. Anyway... if we can get another win and 3 points tonight and I'll be even more chilled.
Bugger I thought we had had the last of the Wednesday fixtures. So we'll be knackered for the Saturday game against Wednesday then!! In fairness, when retired, living in a Red zone (Complete lockdown) it is easy to lose track of what day of the week it is as we tend not to have a set routine and the days merge one into the other .
The gathering on Clapham Common was aimed at highlighting the fact that many many women feel unsafe/uncomfortable when they are out and about. After almost 200 replies on this topic the issue of making the streets safer has been sidestepped and the thread has focused on the police response. My own daughter when on her way home from school was approached by a youth who as he walked alongside her made a very indecent suggestion to her - she ran home and was understandably very upset. Next morning she didn't want to go to school but was persuaded to if an adult went with her and it was agreed someone would meet her from school. This carried on for about 6 months until she became more confident to go out by herself. She didn't want to report it to the police because she felt embarrassed etc. This sort of thing is happening to countless women on a daily basis - many men having little concept of the impact on women of what seems to those men a harmless activity. Many many women are impacted for a long-time/for ever by this sort of make aggressive behaviour. I can't offer a solution but lets give this topic of Womens Safety the respect it deserves.
It's old-fashioned, and Police and civil servants will give you a myriad reasons why it can't happen, but what would undoubtedly improve things (at least until we can educate neanderthal attitudes out of society - the work of generations) would be more bobbies on the beat. Why can't we see visible policing on public highways? We waste plenty of money on may other things.