On GMB Her words Boris shaking hands with Covid in the population. Dianna Shaking hands with HIV patients. No one complained about Dianna. Yet similar scenarios. FFS. And she was junior health minister at one time.
My understanding was HIV was only transmittable via bodily fluid exchange and far less infectious, certainly not airborne like Coronavirus. So not a valid comparison.
Think you may have misunderstood my post mate. It is what I was trying to point out. Edited to try to make clear.
Morning Terence. Apologies. I have a severe dislike for the woman due to an incident in the mid 1990s, and have been drinking heavily this morning. George Spicer.
Once again I profusely apologise, it was very uncharacteristic of me and quite frankly, unforgivable. I am fully prepared to accept the ban or whatever punishment is given to me. George
No comparison whatsoever, She didn't go round sticking a finger up their backsides then sticking it in her mouth...
My angst was aimed not at you mate but Edwina the Grey man's totty. At the time when Dianna was doing this and Edwina was Junior Health minister, she was also my local MP. Hated the cow then and still do.
I think Currie is trying to use Dianna's undoubted compassion for people suffering from an awful disease to excuse the bumbling fat one's inability to take advice from experts and not shake hands with strangers in a global pandemic.
Imagine if Diane Abbott or even another Labour MP had said similar. There would’ve been complete outrage, including this board.
Her defence of Boris given all the evidence of massive screw ups. defied belief. I think even some of the cabinet ministers she served alongside. Wouldn’t present such a defence as she did.
It's outraged me for one. Her remarks are typical of the woman back in the day, would say anything just to get her fizzog in the news.
I agree, she is. You can't catch HIV from shaking someone's hand. You can catch Covid-19 from being in close proximity to someone. What Boris did was ridiculously irresponsible. And he nearly paid the ultimate price. Edwina is trying to excuse him while at the same time unearthing an old falsehood that you can catch HIV simply from touching someone. Something that Diana made great strides to dispel. That a former junior health secretary would say something like that is, well it's disgusting. But the other myth was that it just affected homosexuals. And much of the stigma was about such sexual practices. I totally get the point you were making but couldn't you have said something like sharing needles or a different sexual practice? What you chose wouldn't necessarily pass on HIV anyway and for many people who are homophobic anything to do with your arse is still the insult they use.