There are a few anomalies in the system ....if you get no joy, ring your surgery, they may be able to help....although mine weren't particularly helpful.
I had mine this morning after getting the call last week. I’m 52 and must admit, I was not expecting the jab this early but I am more than happy, especially as I am going to Grassington, hopefully, for a week at the end of April.
I’m 54 and once I’d ticked that I’m not a carer it said I’m not eligible and couldn’t go any further. Frustrating when people I know in there 30s and 40s been offered it.
Morning. if you know anyone who is over 50 or 18 - 50 with underlying problems who is wanting a covid vaccination pls ring 01226 448808 to get booked in at Priory Campus, Lundwood
JABBA-DABBA-DOOOO! Just been done, Boots in Halifax. Felt a bit of a prikc. I'm all Astra-Zenica'd up.....
My misses mate had it the other day and she went to work at Kendray on the acute mental health ward and started hallucinating and had to be sent home. I’m looking forward to recreating my mid 90s lifestyle based on that.
Had my vaccination at Priory yesterday, so far so good, just a bit of a sore arm. Well organised and got chatting to one of the marshalls in the carpark who was wearing a Barnsley hat.