People are getting them, I noticed Paul Hudson the Look North weatherman got his and he's 50 I think. Have you tried only in your own area or further afield? The other thing to mention is that there has been a more limited supply for the last couple of weeks as they catch up on the second dose people, but I know a shed load of vaccine shipped on the 15th so keep trying.
Morning. if you know anyone who is over 50 or 18 - 50 with underlying problems who is wanting a covid vaccination pls ring 01226 448808 to get booked in at Priory Campus
Thanks, I'm in Sheffield, and whilst I don't mind travelling, I don't want to be taking the place of someone from Barnsley.
I've just got mine booked with the local surgery at Burleigh Medical Centre, they texted me this afternoon. All booked in for Sunday 21st March & Sunday 5th June
Wife is just on the phone to Priory Campus now booking us both in.... Me 51 and her 50. Booked in for tomorrow tea time... (bloody hate needles though)
That's fair own local centre has a large number of elderly and disadvantaged residents who can't travel, so we opted for Sheffield Arena, the capacity there is massive so I wouldn't think you'll have long to wait.
LOL - must admit it took a few goes to get through but got it sorted easily enough. Hope you managed it eventually!
I had mine at Sheffield arena, and although I did go on a Sunday evening for it, I was in and out in 10 minutes. Stuck in the car park for 3 hours after waiting for the breakdown people like
Sorted finally got through at priory campus First jab tmoz Second jab 3rd June Just in time for Euros
I fitted my jab in with the missus having a hospital appointment in Sheffield at the same time, hers was a 3hr appointment so I dropped her off and went and got the jab and had a couple of hours kip before going to pick her up.....set off at the agreed time and ran over something on the road and shredded a tyre..spent the next half hour emptying the boot to get to the spare and changing the wheel ....I did laugh.
Well. Up here in the Dales. I got an NHS letter providing 25 possible locations for the jab. I decided against Lincoln and (B)Elland Rd and plumped for York - so just a 3 hour drive! The day after, my partner got a text from the local surgery asking if she would like to walk 50 meters to our local vaccine centre for her jab!!! I, of course, congratulated her on her good fortune. To be fair to those running the programme, they are just trying to get as many people 'over the line' as possible, so fair enough. We're pretty privileged in the grand scheme of things.