So you’re running with this single issue, No one said they’re perfect and that change wasn’t required. The fact that you’re waving this 1 issue on a flagpole speaks volumes
The EU has benefits, a few of which you have mentioned in your previous post. But I don’t think we will ever have a socialist state while ever we were part of the EU, which is my biggest opposition to it.
The EU isn't a perfect organisation - there aren't any perfect organisations. However, the UK was better off being a member than it is now being a third party country. The evidence is clear and irrefutable. One day within a decade we will rejoin the single market and the customs union. Nailed on. I will from now on avoid discussions about Brexit - to its supporters it has become some sort of religion so argument is pointless. We are out now, nothing we as ordinary people can do about it until a general election gives us an opportunity to rejoin in some way. Au revoir Wiedersehen etc....
It was only the other day that many EU countries were boycotting the Oxford vaccine, now they,re throwing their weight about , it just seems to me that its any excuse to undermine the UK, no matter what they say in public, Barnier and his cronies are deeply bitter.I just wish we had saved some of the track and trace money and invested it in a couple of production facilities then we wouldn,t rely on them at all....
More to life than money, when you see the real face of the EU.[/QUOTE] Almost acknowledgement that being out of the EU will leave us much worse off economically, moneys not everything but without pillocking many gullible leave voters that we would be better off and there would be £350 million more per week for the NHS the referendum result would have been to remain
Whether you are arch-Remain or hard-Brexit and make valid points either way, we are now just another country outside of the EU and they aren't going to do us any favours unless it is in their interest. That's just a fact we will have to get used to. They seem to have made a right Horlicks of the vaccine rollout thus far which is what often happens with huge organisations, either very right or awfully wrong. I heard rumblings of the UK paying a high price for each dose but I have no idea really. I hope it doesn't blow up because we are hoping to go to France this summer and I can see them playing hardball with us.
If the EU is so bad, why didn't the various leave campaigns tell us about the bad things? You know, instead of lying about virtually everything else?
Are you thick? They did tell us the bad things. Can't you remember the unelected bureaucrat who runs things behind the scenes telling us about the unelected bureaucrats before his trip to Barnard castle?
If you believe a ‘Socialist State’ was ever going to evolve from us leaving the EU, I think you were being at best very naive. Whether all Brexiteers accept it or not, leaving the EU is a very much a right-wing victory.