Soft red but he should never have jumped in with both feet. Wasn’t dangerous though. I think we should be fine to see this game out. Main issue is the 3 game suspension though. Step forwards Herbie Kane.
Cauley didny look happy probley because.of these shithouses and the owner screaming at players
It was a very minor movement but he went with both feet together, and the referees are instructed to clamp down on it. A soft red, but a needless challenge, and he can't really complain. The question is whether it's a 1 or 3 game ban now.
Bela’s conduct in that Monet challenge was disgraceful, as was Jacobson’s. But typical. Still, we should learn a bit more about these players.
Right set of bellends these lot yelping all game Instructed to cheat by their bellend of a manager with his silly hair