I think we need to sign their physio. The number of times he brought their players back from the brink of death, without even needing a defibrillator, was nothing short of miraculous.
For me, its 2 feet. Ref is yards away looking straight at it. We need to he careful appealing it, and let them watch replays from various angles. Tbh, I think we have sod all chance. I saw 2 feet and immediately thought red. Makes no difference getting the ball or not
The offence was leaping in with both feet. Regardless of winning the ball, the fact that he barely moved in doing so, etc, etc I don't see a way that they overturn it based on the guidance that referees are supposed to follow. Frustrating, but it'd be a pointless exercise appealing, IMO.
Yes, I find the rule ridiculous to be honest. He has lead with both feet but clearly takes the ball and there is very little actual follow through onto the player. There is no way the player is at risk of serious injury nor is it a dangerous tackle. The two cynical hacks by the Wycombe lads at the end when we were on the counter were much worse tackles but they only got a yellow each as it wasn't two footed etc.
Never a red card in a million years. Ref not helped by the Wycombe player's antics and who must be dizzy from the multiple rolls post tackle. I have seen players rolling after a high speed challenge when momentum gives them an excuse to exaggerate the contact but he ended up throwing himself yards from where the initial challenge took place when he was pretty much stationary. Yellow at most as there was no intent and Mowatt got the ball. Not even sure he made any contact of note on the Wycombe player who clearly feigned injury. Another inept referee. On the other side of the coin, I am unclear what our penalty was awarded for.
A definite appeal for me, if we do not appeal its 3 games, at least an appeal gives him a chance without an appeal no chance , no brainer for me
I mean I don't know what you're watching but I'm watching the challenge Mowatt was sent off for.. and yes he dived in. Not the worst challenge you'll ever see by any means but he ain't the first or last that will see red for one of those. No malice, no run up, barely made contact and Wycombe player did some terrible acting. But he did dive in and there was (barely) contact. The rules of the game are clear on that kind of challenge. I've seen them not given in games but once they are there's no way it gets overturned on appeal.
The rules are clear yes. Serious foul play has to endanger the safety of an opponent or use excessive force. Which did he do? There is absolutely nothing in law that says a two footed tackle is a red card. It wasn’t really a two footed tackle anyway. And as for the increase to four games - not a chance in hell. You have pundits from within the game on national tv saying it wasn’t a penalty, so even if they don’t overturn it (and let’s face it, they’ll protect the ref if they can), it won’t increase his ban. It could and would never be deemed a frivolous appeal. Get it appealed.
Red card for me. Both feet off the floor and studs up. Happy to see it overturned but would be surprised if it was.
Never a red card in a million years against a team who epitomise everything i hate about the modern game
A two footed tackle in of itself is not a sending off, only if the player is “reckless” or is deemed to have used “excessive force”. Worth an appeal, but I still don’t think we’ll get it overturned. https://www.thefa.com/football-rule.../football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct
was just about to post exact same thing. but look Val’s appealing, and no one will be telling him otherwise go on Big Val. I think it’s worth a go - if only because we may just may get someone with common sense and Darren Bond has made some other abysmal decisions recently such as the Rotherham sending off at Hillsborough and he needs to be held to account. Chances are low but it’s worth a go.
I worry that may be a reason for the EFL to actually back him up; they won't want to admit their officials are poor. For what it's worth, as I said before, my first instinct was red card, but reading the actual rules makes it a little less clear cut. Get at 'em Big Val.
Intent doesn't come into it or getting the ball. It's whether he's judged to have done a 2 footed tackle, whether it was deemed dangerous or not and what contact he made with their player.
Mowatt has to be ready for a rest, run his heart out for every game twice a week. I don't think it was a red but I don't think it was so little in it that it will be overturned. Let the lad have a break and come back fighting fit for the final push. Kane Halme Styles Palmer Oduor Williams Brittain can cover the 4 across midfield for a few games.
Had that been the other way round I'd guess not many would be defending the tackle and subsequent red card, and rightly so. You just can't leave the floor like that with 2 feet these days.
Having slept on it and watched it again a few times this morning. It looks more of a red every time. He wasn't in control when he went in, he did make contact and it's a type of challenge the FA has been trying to eliminate for over 10 years. I actually think a review could be considered frivolous as I can't recall a single challenge of this type that was given as a red then overturned on appeal. Please feel free to prove me wrong and give me some hope! I know this is going to annoy a few but it is what it is. Doesn't change that Wycombe player was being a tool and the ref is utterly useless mind.