Morning all, Derby day, what a day to join the forum. Very nervous for later! A bit about myself, rather bizarrely I have no real connection to the town of Barnsley, grew up in the west of Ireland where kids choose their team at a young age for pretty weak reasons. Mainly Man United or Liverpool, as they were winning or had Irish players at the time. I had a football annual and liked Barnsley's jersey, so they became my team in the mid-90's and haven't looked back since. My first game was the Blackburn game at Oakwell in the Premiership season, which my dad took me to at the age of 12 and have been following through thick and thin since. Have read this forum most days for the past couple of years and delighted to have signed up. Currently living in London. Another reason for joining is to contact Churton Red, whose profile picture seems to be a shot of my village in Ireland. Been dying to ask this for a couple of years, but what's the connection Churton?!
I met a kid in the 96/7 promotion season. Londoner. Loved his football, but had no club affiliation & started following us. Saw him home & away. I bet we’re picking up a few more neutrals this season, Brazil or not..
Yes, from the west coast myself - the Dingle Peninsula. A beautiful part of the world on the rare occasion it's not pissing rain!
I'd say we are, everyone loves a good underdog story. Was talking to an American last night who has been following our results due to the Dike factor. There's a real buzz about little old Barnsley at the moment.
Welcome aboard Rob. Surely you're not from Dingle!!! I live in Anascaul. Well....outside up by the lake. Always loved it round here and met my other half when visiting and that was that. Whereabouts are you?
welcome red rob. Great lil story about how you first started supporting the reds. We've had some great stock from Eire. Conor, Paddy McCourt....... COYR!
Welcome mate . So you’re a proper Dingle We are named Dingles by our rivals as a derogatory remark but we wear it with pride and call ourselves Dingles and turned it around on them . Come On You Reds.
What??????!!!! I'm Annascaul born and bred. Can't believe there's another Barnsley fan locally! My parents live in Ardroe near the beach. How long have you been there? With the village being the village our paths must have crossed at some point!
Welcome Red Rob! Nice to see other foreign Reds fans in here I'm from Finland, and I jumped on the Premiership bandwagon all these years ago. Just like you, I haven't looked back since - it has been quite a ride! I like to call myself a misery hunter, as "glory hunter" and "Barnsley" just don't sound right together. A lot has happened during those years; I've been to Barnsley quite a few times (it has been too many years since my last visit though) and the Reds even came to play a friendly match in my little hometown in Finland once, and I've been a regular on this bbs and its predecessor(s) for more than twenty years now. This place is still my main source of information, even though it's nice how convenient the modern technology has made it to follow the Reds. Back in the day I was delighted if I could find thirty-second bad quality highlight snippets where you could barely even see the ball among the pixels, now I can watch live broadcast of games with commentary and stuff. iFollow is far from perfect but that's another story...
Amazing! I came over in tne summer of 2017. I'm sure we must have crossed paths in Hanafin's, Ashe's or O'Domnhall's.