I really don't think this anything to get worked up about. As others have said its a fallback position in case the jalopy goes tits-up and can't be kept on the roadmap.
Sorry Orsenkaht, didn't proof read it back, you are right. There have been some very disturbing incidents over the weekend, it is frightening what is happening.
Furlough has already been extended with no caveats until September. Is that a hint at something? Well, we're now into speculation, which I'm not going to do. But it has been extended, that is a fact, that isn't speculation. There's nothing in that legislation that it will end earlier, for whatever reason.
I know that. He said that Furlough being extended to September was a hint that restrictions also would be. I was just pointing out that furlough will have to end after restrictions, because the end of restrictions doesn't mean all businesses will be able to instantly return to work. It's going to be a gradual thing for a lot of companies.
Mr Kaht will know better than me but I presume one of the main reasons they need an extension is that because the vaccine is still within its testing cycle it classifies as an emergency vaccine. These can only be administered under particular circumstances and require appropriate legislation which the Coronavirus Act provides. So no Coronavirus Act, no more jabs which is the Trojan horse through which they can then pass all the rest of their ********. As an aside to this - anyone who thinks we’ll return to anything like normality in June needs their bumps felt. Have they not worked out yet that they lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie?
I knew when they sent the schools back on March 8th they were testing the waters before they allowed everything else to re-open. Children are a-symptomatic carriers of the disease that are mildly or not effected by the disease. Let out children be the guinea pigs. Especially when there are no exams again this year. Granny is already locked away for her own safety yet we're vaccinating her instead of the main spreaders of the disease.
Well, here's an interesting trail! So far as I can see, the emergency authorisation was announced by the MHRA here: letter (publishing.service.gov.uk) I think that the regulations referred to there are made by the Secretary of State under the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. The power to make them is conferred within the European Communities Act 1972! That statute has of course now been repealed, so I expect that somewhere within the Brexit legislation there is a transferring over of that power which preserves the legitimacy of the 2012 regulations. So no - I don't think the emergency authorisation is itself reliant on the Coronavirus Act 2020. We know only too well that the 'Rona' can take an unpredictable course, and there have already been many false dawns. But if further extensions of the restrictions become necessary, you wouldn't want the enabling power to run out in the middle of the new period of restriction. Also, as I said earlier, the original 2020 statute provided at the outset for six-monthly reviews. So it is consistent for Johnson to want to achieve the de-restriction envisaged by his Roadmap while still having the backstop of the power to extend them for a further six months should that prove necessary. As a matter of pure opinion, I don't think Johnson wants to have to extend the restrictions beyond his 21 June date. It slows the economy and hampers him in fulfilling many of the promises he made to the electorate (that's if you believe he ever intended to honour them!). Upon that may depend his chances of re-election. But like many of his colleagues, he is operating with one eye on the inevitable inquiry when it comes, and he has already made palpably wrong moves in regard to his earlier failures to lock down soon enough.
Thank you. I disagree with the opinion bits - mainly because I think they are predicated on the misconception that Johnson is a libertarian (just because someone says they are something doesn't make it so, otherwise I would call myself Tyketical 12 inch ****) - but the legislation explanation is hugely helpful and interesting!
Mid april 60% of the population vaccinated. Over 80% of the high risk groups for hospitalisations vaccinated Single figure deaths. Fun times ahead.
It's what is needed.. Their will be third wave come September/October with the Respiratory season kicking in although Covid will be controlled it will evolve. This is already being planned for in the NHS.