I'd respectfully refuse, explaining my reasons. To be honest though, I think all of my friends know my stance on this and wouldn't even ask in the first place. I suspect that's why my wife's best friend's kid has the godparents he does. My wife was a bit offended when she didn't even ask us, even though I pointed out that we'd have refused. "Yes, but that's not the point!"
Some interesting comments, thank you for a reasoned debate. As I alluded to earlier, I did turn it down but still had doubt in the back of my mind, hence the thread and it’s given me food for thought. I personally just don’t think I could have gone through with it, I’m not a religious person at all but would feel very uncomfortable lying in church as I think it’s disrespectful to those that do believe. We didn’t get married in a church and like I said, our daughter won’t be christened as again I think it would be lying in church. I respect the views of others and can see why a lot of people would just go through with it. I have made it clear to my friend that I am honoured to be asked and will be there for their daughter if she ever needs me, so am happy to perform the role but not in an official capacity. And yes, baby showers, eurgh!
Dare say plenty of those within the church don't actually believe in God. In fact I think on some level lots of people who do believe in God have major doubts. Its always puzzled me why religious people would be so scared of dying.
That's the whole thing about faith though, it's belief and that very seldom remains static. I have no problem with the fundamental tenet of Christianity as in "do into others as you would have done into you". Our country, it's laws, it's history all come from Christianity so again I have no problem with it being taught about, it is part of our heritage. Nowadays even Church schools have to teach about other religions.
Well in the Catholic Church a lot of priests may believe in God but also in sexually abusing Children. Not sure how those 2 go together.
it was a case of hate the sin not the sinner, but nowadays you can get married in a church of you're homosexual.
My main problem is the disrepect shown by MOST not all at Christings. So if you dont want to be there then dont go.
No, unless you are fully prepared to keep the promises you make during the service. The main one being that in the event that something happens to the parents you will bring the child up in the Christian faith. If you can't be true to yourself then you can't be a God parent.
I think that in Wombwell only the Methodist Church will carry out Christenings, due to the lack of respect being shown.