This is utter preposterous. Luke - if you see this message, Please don't pack it in. Please don't let the keyboard w****** spoil it for you and James. This was not racist at all.
First I've heard of it to be honest, but it is Sunday I suppose. A few years ago we invited Luke and co to Oakwell to interview Paul Conway and Daniel Stendel. We also had him and his dad down to model the kits for some marketing material too. We've always looked to be supportive of fan groups, in whatever guise. And the regular Tykes TV lot go everywhere supporting this club. You cannot fault that commitment. I've seen them all over the country. However, I do cringe at their use of language quite often. And I say that as someone who can swear for England, in the right setting. If the foul language was toned down, then this incident doesn't happen. It wasn't racist, but it was unnecessary. Just be a bit more thoughtful I suppose. The key take away though from that video for me was Luke's message regards twitter and some of the pondlife who live on there. I have a personal twitter account but it's locked/private and I don't really use it other than to read things very occasionally from accounts that interest me. I don't tweet anymore or engage etc. It just became a very poisonous cesspit in my eyes. A really negative platform. So I totally get Luke's view there.
Have never watched the channel, but this is an absolute disgrace. Those making the accusations either need to have their ears syringed or they’re deliberately making trouble. Don’t let them get you down lads.
OK. So for eg. I thought something racist was said on a podcast and tweeted about it. Found out that I'd misheard and then tweeted to say that along with the podcast explanation. I get that it's upsetting for them, but if we are saying we shouldn't ignore racism I can understand what happened . And at full speed it could have been either word. As to the bad language, i think the other Luke said he's making a conscious effort to reign it in. I hope they carry on with it for as long as they get something out of it. I do look at the post match reactions and previews occasionally. .
According to the media. Barnsley fans were being racist against one of their own. With a chant to Bruce Dyer. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Still waiting for the apology. Bruce is in fact one of the most respected players ever to have worn the shirt. And would I’m sure have been mortified at the thought. Yes, we have a few racists among our fan base.(probably more than we’d like to admit) As do all clubs. This incident is one of those. Mis-representations of what’s said or mis-heard. If that’s the case. a simple explanation would be the order of the day. I have seen many a word taken out of context on here. And people going to task, but unwilling to listen, taking the high ground. Maybe we could all take a look at ourselves. Before jumping to conclusions. I don’t want to get into the racism debate as it’s been done to death. Twitter is like most social media outlets. Full of genuine folk willing to discuss in a proper manner. Sadly it’s the ones who Like to stir, that fill it’s pages. I very rarely interact on Twitter as most people I don’t know from Adam. On this site. I generally get to know how people click. ( doesn’t mean to say I know em) And try ( not always successfully) to engage in a proper manner. I hope these lads can come to terms, with the fact that they and others know them well enough. To know, what they in their hearts know, Are not racists. Comments on Twitter are from in the main total strangers. Don’t give em the time of day. Bit long winded. But how I see it.
Full support to them. Clearly not racist, and as said above, keyboard warriors out looking for trouble that isn't there.
Totally get why someone would question what he said if the second clip posted was the original recording but as soon as that's explained to you to accept the explanation
If it’s someone out to cause bother, then they need to give their heads a wobble. If the person/people genuinely thought they heard a racist comment, then it’s fine to bring it up. I’m not sure Twitter was the place to do so though. The explanation clears it up for me. We, on here, are jumping to conclusions that it was a “keyboard warrior” out to cause trouble. All I would say is that it may not have been. Hindsight shows it was “sweary” but not racist. Such a shame
It's a difficult one, this. Listening to the video BigLil posted, it's obvious it was the word "W*nker", and not black. We were all sat listening and waiting for the word in question though, so we could all listen properly. If you are watching live and hear it, I can 100% believe that you could hear and interpret it as "black" or something else. I bet we have all done it. Sat watching something but not paying 100% attention and having to do a double-take, as you thought something had been said that wasn't. I did it with "Call of Duty" the other night, when I could have sword they were saying "jizz-handler"... The problem, however, is with those that thought the word was "black" and jumped on social media. Anyone with an ounce of integrity would listen to it back time and time again to be 100% sure what was said, before even thinking about jumping on social media. Then there is the lack of impartiality of supporting a rival club. If you are a Wednesday fan watching a couple of Barnsley fans clearly wanting your team to be hammered, you are going to hear what you want to hear. But this is never taken into consideration before they jump on Twitter and the like. If anyone hears what they think is a racist comment, either in person, on the TV, a live-stream or other Vlog, then file a report with the police and let them decide what has been said and take any action needed. Don't plaster unfounded allegations all over social media and ruin someone's life because you can't hear properly. As for the future of Tykes TV, if you pack it in you let them win. Be careful though. These fans TV channels popping up all over the place are providing great content, but most of them are just normal people who don't have much(if any) media training or experience and are recorded using consumer standard equipment(especially at the minute, where they are communicating via Skype or whatever. This incident shows how words can be muffled and misinterpreted. Put procedures and rules in place to make sure this sort of thing can't be repeated.
I think you are completely misreading the situation. If he was talking about a player, a specific player who was black then yes, of course its racist. But he wasn't (tbf he didn't even use the word black anyway), but I'm just using this as a theoretical standpoint. To be clear I'm as anti racist as they come, I hate anything bigotted. I've had arguments with people in pubs etc when I hear it. My point about it is we have to be careful that the word black as a prefix isn't automatically racist, it just isn't. If its aimed at someone then of course it is. As a liberal we need to be careful that we don't overreact because that feeds the right just as much and creates even more damage to people that are actually persecuted.
I love the channel. It's like a soap opera that's grown on me over many years. Went through all this yesterday. James can swear for England and so can Steve. I've no problem with that - It's football not the local Book Club. If you're offended by swearing - you're going to be offended a lot if you follow a football Club. On the substantive issue - James hasn't said anything racist - if he had he should have had his head ripped off. They're good lads and I hope they can move on from this. I've no idea whether the accuser was mistaken or malicious and neither has anyone else.
Not racist in my view but the swearing by Steve is a bit over the top cannot listen to them when the wife or grandkids are in the room embarrassing.
With you 100% on this UTC. I didn’t hear any racist remarks in the recordings Ive just heard anf it sounds like the person/s reporting them is on what they think they heard which is what I call referee syndrome what some referees think happened rather than what actually did . However the swearing is disgusting , and I won’t have it on when anyone’s listening especially the grandkids . It doesn’t make them anymore passionate or care about the club than those of us who choose not to use that language in public . So imo keep recording but tone down the swearing and let more of us listen to you .
Must admit, when I first read it I thought, that can't be right, it has to be racist. But he's right, though it still makes me uncomfortable, that there could be some instances where someone might swear at an inanimate object that just happened to be black in colour. You bang your toe on a fireplace, or slate hearth for example. I can't ever think I'd consider using words like that in any circumstance, but technically, it wouldn't be racist. The words themselves aren't racist, its who they are directed at that are. Of course, you then risk the peril of racists excusing their language through some ridiculous unbelievable scenario. As a result, I'd prefer people not to use that descriptor if a barrage of foul language follows.