it's been revealed that the riotous behaviour was fired up by activists among the peaceful protesters apparently. This was on the radio news this aft.
It's a big jump from passin I must say I don't share your pessimism. You seem to be making a big jump from the passing of a law in unprecedented times to the eventual downfall of democracy. Do you really believe that?? Or would the election of a more left leaning government change your mind in a shot? If anything I believe society is becoming more liberal and accountable to everyone and their aunt. That's why we've become a state of victims and whingers. Not everyones view I agree but old fashioned values should still have a place.
I think this is quite right. Most 'typical' people sleepwalk into situations like this and don't realise a situation is bad before its too late. Most people in Germany in 1933 weren't Nazis but look what happened when a weak system and weak opposition didn't put up enough of a fight. Where's our opposition? Where is the strength of our trade unions? Where is the strength from within the Tory Party to resist this? Can't see any opposition myself.
That’s the point though we’ve never been in a lockdown have we!! Not likes of Australia and New Zealand have seen we when this all started we still had thousands among thousands of ppl coming in to this country everyday no testing nothing just crack on.. I was also working in Kent at the time working at dungeness power station I was staying in a flat in ashford with 3 other lads we went to work and we mixed with another 100 or so ppl so I could do all that everyday but I couldn’t take my daughter to see her cousins on a weekend to play outside?? Grow up pal you listen to to bull you’re fed everyday by the media I’ll carry on and do what I feels right for myself and my family
There are laws I don’t like. Probably some you don’t like. But they were passed as part of a democratic process under the government of the day, left or right. So we follow them because that’s democracy. Dictatorial powers are something else. If these are unprecedented times, there might need to be more dictatorial measures. Where does it stop? The downfall of democracy is only seen with hindsight. It can be eaten away bit by bit.
The strength of the Trade Unions has and always will be the membership. Unfortunately, many choose not be in a Union, or if they do, they are not prepared to make a short-term financial sacrifice for a longer-term gain. That aside, anti-Trade Union laws don’t help. Oh the fekin hypocrisy there.
Let's hope not. I do see your point I do see your point but probably don't have such a pessimistic view.
Where this discussion is concerned I believe so. Your family comes before everyone else. I get it.. most reasonable and moral people also tend to think of others as well
Ah! Let's play definitions re your Absolute Power.... So it is NOT a dictatorship since there ARE "consittutional limitations" i.e. elections with the power to remove the incumbent Govt. So, basically you are talking out of your backside!
Just can't be bothered... what's the point? You're selfish and clearly not the brightest, not being able to see why you can go to work on something that powers the country yet can't quite fathom why seeing family is not as essential in the middle of a pandemic. You have the magical ability to risk assess your family based on zero qualifications though. The law doesn't apply to you, but for the likes of me and my other half as nurses/ physios in the NHS it does... You remind me of someone else who works at a nuclear power plant. I'll give you a clue. He's yellow and likes a donut.
So, like I said, you don't give a toss about anyone else and civil rights is just an excuse to cover your lack of interest in anyone else.
Not the brightest ok pal as I’ve stated in previous posts for my daughter’s well being it was essential she wasn’t at school she needs structure and in such a short space of time she was suffering and I wasn’t going to allow that to happen. But what you’re failing to understand is that we were never in a lockdown as I’ve said thousands of ppl were coming into this country everyday for Months on end without being tested nothing and me seeing my brother and parents once every few weeks in the garden wasn’t going to do any harm to anyone
We're certainly not in lockdown if idiots like yourself decide to do as they please, that's for sure. "Dont believe everything they tell you" tells me everything I need to know about you and your rationale. I've said what I wanted to say anyway... i'll leave you to your donuts.
Thanks for the amateur psychoanalysis in your last two replies mate but if you really think I’m an unhappy obsessive you shouldn’t really be replying to me