My dad his suffering from depression and today found out how things are and could have been much worse if it wasn’t for professionals interfering . Can everyone please if their not already doing do ask family and friends more than once if their ok . Sometimes people are suffering more than you think and maybe by asking the question again you might actually save someone’s life . I would like to point out the mental health team who visited my father today were fantastic and there is a lot of help out there . Keep safe and well everyone
How old is he mate out of curiosity? Sorry to hear this but thank god you’ve managed to get him the help he needs before things could have got nasty. All the best to him and your family.
He’s 61 mate . All stems from not been able to work for last 6 month due to an accident he had . Hates not working and doing manual jobs . The reasons seem bizarre and ridiculous but to him it’s end of the world . Thanks for your comments though mate
Glad to hear that your dad was reached in time. And definitely you sometimes need to probe a bit deeper if someone says they're ok but you're worried about them.
Great post, best wishes to your father and yourself. Do you mind sharing more about this mental health team? I think I need it.
The step of thinking you need it is a big one. You’re making positive steps. You can call the Samaritans anytime 116 123. If you need a chat, please don’t suffer in silence. Drop me a pm if you like, although I won’t be able to answer until later today. Take care pal.
Sounds like your dad has good people looking out for him BL. Like him I'm 61 and not worked much in last 5 mths. I had back surgery this time last year. Was planning to retire at 65. I've got loads of stuff to occupy me at home, also converting a van. But the things that are good for my head aren't good for my back. So for your dad and folk like him and me, being forced to stop working prematurely is hard to accept. Strange that you get to like working when you get closer to retirement! I hope he comes to terms with it. That's a bit long winded but makes sense to me!
Seconded. I knew many that didn't get the help in time, sadly. Good luck and best wishes @Barnsley Loyal to you and your dad. Depression is a terrible illness, but with the right help and support it can be beaten, or at least kept under control. Here's hoping that your dad is feeling more like his old self before long.