Shrewsbury always seemed laid back and, as someone said previously, I can recall their fans waving our coaches off. Fulham always a laid back jolly, as was Orient. I've always had good visits to Bristol City too; which is strange considering they have a rep. Can't for the life of me remember where it was , but I seem to remember the police eating fish and chips at the back of our end at one game?
Crystal Palace 2010. They let me in despite the fact that I was blind drunk. Steward just said to me on the way in "don't have any more to drink please son". Of course I didn't listen.
Accrington is an easy pick. Fleetwood with their own supporters bar are another smaller club that's very welcoming.
I turned up at Selhurst Park with a Stanley knife in mi pocket one game - I was living down there at the time, finished work, and headed off into the pubs there. Totally forgot about it until I reached the turnstiles and was asked by a policeman "I don't suppose youve any weapons on your person do you sir?" .. Instictively; my hand dipped in my coat pocket, and I replied "Actually, yes!" His face was a proper picture. After taking it from me I was then advised that I could collect from a certain point immediately after the match.
As someone who travels to nearly all away games. More than you would possibly think. Special mentions to Accrington Fulham Fleetwood. Walsall
Yeovil Town Booked a disabled car parking spot via their web site as my wife came with me ( Romantic weekend in the South West). When we got to the ground and found the disable parking spots the steward came up to the car and said "hello Mr. Steventon that is your parking place" and moved the bollard for us to park. We also shared the facilities at half time with the Yeovil supporters which was great. Hope they get back into the EFL soon, could do with another romantic weekend.
Ipswich have always been a friendly bunch. In 2016 a stranger walked up to me and said 'its great to see you back in the championship where you belong!'
Walsall in 2006. Last game of season. It was like World War 1 after game. We invaded pitch, they invaded pitch. We met on halfway line shook hands and they wished us well in play-offs. One of strangest situations I'd encountered at a football match.
Brighton is probably the most welcoming ground in recent years, plush seats, local ale on tap, bands playing outside the ground, friendly people. Honourable mentions go to Fleetwood, Colchester, & Shrewsbury
Yep found the new Brighton ground very welcoming, especially when the stewards handed out chocolates. Seemed like a nice relaxed atmosphere and a fine new stadium it is. Also at West Ham’s ground (Upton Park) in premiership the stewards handed out those rice crispy squares. Remember getting there a few minutes late and already 1-0 down (finished 6-0).
I’ve been to New Brighton, quite a nice seaside resort and a pier with a library at the entrance. But .... that was in New Zealand! A bit of a long way to to travel to go to the wrong place!
Walsall … always a warm reception from the working mans club situated at the side of the ground! (Allowed home & away fans in at the same time … never saw any trouble either!)