Ladies and Elsecar are 2 words not often in the same sentence Only joking . Actually worked at British Tissues with a couple of the Mott family from Jump, proper characters both of them
Yer parents had sense then mate. Sending thi to a school where they can teach. Was why lots of platts commoners went to jump.
We certainly had some characters in my younger days mate. I would’nt have wished to grow up. anywhere else. I have lots of friends from the Hoyland/Elsecar areas.( did I really say that. Please forgive me lord) as you are aware. And have got to know lots of characters. The banter between us both when on away trips is one of the highlights of the journey. Stay safe mate.
You too Hooky. Sometimes the banter on away trips was the only highlight though my trips were usually on the supporters bus or with a lift in Dave Starkeys car