Convince your wife that she’s “followed through” during the night by slipping a chocolate button between the cheeks of her arse as she sleeps.
It’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot then open it and have the suspicion confirmed.
Funny as fcku. Me, ar lass. Bro in law and sister in law. On a cruise. The cleaner had left chocolates on the bed the night before. (Little to my knowledge.) I Gets up next morning. It looked like an explosion. Our lass dragged the others in to look. Whilst I was trying to explain to the cleaner in embarrassingly stupid broken English. that I hadn’t Shat missen. He started raising his arms as if to say ya dirty bugger. Whilst laughing his head off. As were the rest on em.
If you're going to watch Black Mirror, don't start with season 1 episode 1. It's the worst episode and it will put you off the rest of it. Don't bother buying fifa football games when everyone else does. Subscribe to EA play for £20 a year and get it for free, 8 months after everyone else. Same goes if you play Need for Speed, the Star Wars games, NFL, NHL, NBA etc. Making the perfect poached egg. Fill the saucepan to the brim with boiling water. Add a dash of white vinegar, pop in your egg for 3 minutes. Reduce the heat if it starts to boil over.