Come on buddy chin up, although we're all relatively strangers to one another on this forum there is always someone to talk to and willing to help as you can see from the posts. Feel free to PM anytime mate, can't wait for you to be playing black laces greatest hits at the BBS lockdown is over party
The BBS everyone. The real BBS, when one of our own needs a pick me up. What a remarkable place we have. Suggest when we are legally allowed, we organise a gathering. Let's all let our hair down (well for the ones that still have hair mind) And maybe we let JP do his magic with a DJ set. Paid for of course
I've been away from the board for a couple of days, so this is the first time I've seen this thread. After initially reading JP's distressing, initial post, it was wonderful to see so many concerned, helpful replies from other contributors. Special mentions to Titus Magee and, especially, Redhelen. JP appears to be grateful and appreciative of this. For me, this shows the BBS at it's very best and reaffirms why this board has never been, and hopefully never will be, just a football forum. Well done to you all. I doff my hat to you.
Just seen this. I also only know JP through here, but got the impression that he's been going through a particularly rough time, just like 99.7% of musicians, DJ's and other live performers around the world. From one member of the DJ community to another, keep your chin up mate. Venues will reopen, and you will experience the unique buzz of performing to a crowd again. As we know, there's nothing in the world quite like it. And as for those on here who responded to this post when it first appeared - you really are special human beings (and not of the David Flitcroft variety!)
I've given up the role I had. Back again with my DJ company. Massive thanks to a few on here. @YTBFC & @Redhelen especially. I ******* love this board & the people. Been battling the dark side for ages & masive real issues. The love is there.
@Redhelen thank you. Top people on this board. I've made some hard life changes today. The right ones.
Never suffer in silence JP. Always reach out as there is there is always someone here to offload to. Stay strong fella.
The right ones always are hard. It’s easy to plod along doing the easy choice but it takes guts to decide when enough is enough and make the change that’s needed.