Once saw Norman Wisdom at the Civic... was dragged along by the neighbours at the time. Have to say, I thought he was brilliant! Forward wind several years and I saw him running round the track at half time in Tirana to a massive reception
Bob Mortimer is just naturally funny. Ricky Gervais - Not everyone’s cup of tea but is incredibly clever.
I think The Office is an unparalleled comedy, but I watched one of his stand ups and it was just him telling old urban myths as stories that happened to his mates.
More votes for Eric Morcambe and Ronnie Barker. Along with Billy Connery and Dave Allen. For Live shows rather than TV performances the best I’ve seen are Paul Merton and Adam Hills.
Most of the ones mentioned, of the older onesI always think Les Dawson was underrated,currently really like Micky Flanagan